Chapter 4

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Day 3 was pretty uneventful. Spent in studio playing around with ideas and songs.

Her p.o.v.

" do you feel about all this now?" He asked me.

"I'm ok..I think you are amazing of course."

"I wasn't talking about me." He laughed.

"Oh. Well. Yeah."

"That's it?" Oh Well yeah?" He asked.

"It's overwhelming." I admitted.

"That's more like it. And I know how you feel." He said nodding.

"I bet you do." I say looking at him sitting with his gutiar struming away.

"It's alot to take in at first." He said smiling.

"Yeah it is. I don't know how you know what all those buttons and knobs do on that soundboard. I cant begin to figure it out." I said looking  at the soundboard.

"It's complicated but you get used to it. Then it's easy. But you don't need to be worried about it. I got it covered." he smiled and winked.

I just sat there listing to him talk. Staring at his movements and his eyes. The way his hands gently strumed the guitar..the way he looked when he played it. He was happy. In his element. Such passion. Such love. So beautiful. His plump lips moving with the music. His eyes dancing as he plays. His hair neatly in place. Curly and dark. Pulled back in a tie. His clothes. So neat. His heels. His body. So toned.

I couldn't help but watch him. He finally noticed me looking at him and said "Like what you see?"

I was so focused on his features I didn't hear him ask me.


"You like what you see?" He asked again smiling.

"Yeah..I'm sorry what are we talking about exactly?" I ask lost.

"The music, Janie. The song so far." He said laughing.

"Oh yeah! It's great! I'm sorry got lost for a moment." I said blushing.

"I can tell. You were day dreaming or something I think."

"Just taking it all in. You and your amazing talent." I said smiling.

"Uh huh. I think it was more then that.."

"What do you mean by that?"I asked confused.

"You were staring at me for a very long time. Very quietly and breathing slow."

"Oh I was? I'm sorry." I say very embarrassed.

"It's cool. I'm used to it." He laughed.

I sigh..and try to put it all out of my mind. He smiled and continued playing his gutiar.

A few months later............

Song complete..recorded and put out. It was ok. Didn't sell much. And thats when I decide that maybe it was time for me to go.

I felt like I wasn't doing as well as I'd like to be and he and I agreed that maybe it was time to go our seperate ways.  But still remain friends.

As I'm preparing to leave to go back to LA he stops me in the hall.

"Janie..I want you to know this has been the best few moths of my life. I'm sorry your singing didn't go far. I hope you can forgive me for all that happened."

"Prince.  It's not your fault. I don't blame you. It's ok. I still care about you and will never forget you. I will keep in touch I promise. Thank you for everything." I say hugging him as he kissed my neck.

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