Chapter 11

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Her p.o.v.

Later Prince comes over to me and asks me a guestion I was not prepared for. We were laying in bed.

"So..she's's been 15 years since we saw each other. Any way she could be mine?"

"Prince..weve been through this. I know she's not because everytime we did it,we were protected and or you pulled out. I met her father shortly after I left here. We got married a year later. So no there is not a chance that she is yours." I explained

"Are you positive? I mean look at her. She does look like me." he says smiling.

"She's not. Why are you so worried? If she could be I would have told you. Why wouldn't I ?"

"You were mad at me. Didn't want to start you played it off and didn't tell anyone. Till you had to."

"That's absolutely absurd! Who does that?" I asked in a harsh tone.

"I can tell your lying by the way you answered." he chuckled.

"Stop with the movie quotes..your movie at that." I scoffed.

"Yeah. Well..I don't know." he said

"What don't you know?"

"Weather I believe this story or not. Think I should call Jen to conferm?" He asked.

"What the  hell for? She wouldn't know."

"Yeah ok. Whatever." he said turning over away from me.

"Prince..don't be like that. I'm sorry. What else do you want me to say? Do you want a dna test or something?" I asked him.

"Yes!" He shouted.

"Fine if it will make you feel any damn better about this then I will do it. We will." I said rolling my eyes and sighed.

"Yes yes it would. And what else are you keeping from me? Now that were on the subject." he scoffed.

"Nothing..what do you mean..what else? There's nothing else to tell. Is there something you need to get off your chest?" I asked.

"Nope I'm fine. And I was  wondering when you were going to start telling me the truth."

"Truth about what?"


"I just told you. I will get damn dna done. Let it the fuck go.."

"Right ok. You's been 3 fucking days Janie..3 fucking days since we were together."


"And when you wanna start again?"

"You were the one who was drunk. You were the one who couldn't get it up. You were the one that decided to go shopping with her today. And now were fighting over stupid shit when we could be doing it. How is this my fault anyways?"

"That's right blame me..its always my fault isnt it?" He asked.

"Wait. So it's my fault that I didn't take advantage and rape you? It's my fault for you going shopping with my daughter? Right ok. Way to come back."

"No I didnt say all that. You did."

"No then what are you saying? Cause thats what it sounds like to me!" I shout.

He rolls over gets up and stands. Now I'm scared. The look in his eyes is crazy.

"Just forget it Janie. Let's not fight over stupid shit..I'm sorry baby." he says quietly coming over to me and sitting next to me and holding me and kissing me.

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