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Her p.o.v.

The next day..Prince wanted to talk and apoligize to Noel for what had happened the day before.

He walks to her room. Knocks on the door.

"Noel it's dad can I talk to you for a minute please?"

"I guess..it's your house. " she said with an attitude.

He goes in and sits on her bed.

She's sitting on her bed as well.

"Hey, I want to apoligize for being so upset yesterday. I'm sorry for yelling at you. It wasn't  your fault. Do you forgive me?"

She looks at him.

"I guess..but you need to know that I didn't appreciate you yelling at me like I was a lil kid. Dad I'm an adult. And I get this is hard for you. But it's hard for me too. The girls didn't want to leave but you gave them no choice. I'm sorry I did the interview but I really had no idea it would blow up that way. I looked on their page and they only have the interview part with me. If you want to see it I can show you." She explained to him.

"Yes I'd like to see it." he told her.

She gets put her laptop and goes to the site. Plays the video.

"See not so bad. Right?" She asked him.

"That's exceptable. They did the right thing. Thankfully." he said nodding.

"I thought so too."

"Now from here out if you want to do interviews please request list of questions first. I can't stop you from doing them. But I can stop the questions about the past. Or atleast try. Ok?"

"Fair enough." she said hugging him.

"Now I gotta see if the girls will come back." He said.

"Yeah I dont know. Let me talk to them first." She said.

"Ok. So your still in then I take it? Let me know what they say." He said.

"Of course." She says with a smile.

With that he walks out and to the twins room where I was playing with them.

"Honey I appoligized to Noel. She going to talk to the girl's to see if they will come back. She showed me the video of the interview with just her on it. I was satisfied with it. Told her to ask for questions list next time before hand. So we can avoid questions about the past." he eplained.

"Very nice. I'm glad you appoligized. I'm glad it worked out. See told you not to worry everything would work out. Didnt I?" I asked him smiling.

"Yes your right." he smiled walked over bending down and kissing me on the forehead.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say your looking for something standing there like that." I whispered in his ear.

"Ah ha! Didn't even cross my mind." he said with a devilish smile whispering in my ear.

"Behave..maybe later. I promise." I told him smiling.

"Uh huh..I'll leave you girl's alone..when your ready I'll be waiting with a smile..on the bed." he said seductively walking out with a smile on his face and a sparkle in his eye.

Damn him.

I wasnt about to leave the girls..just about that time Noel came in.

"Hi mom. I saw dad..talked and appoligized..I think he needs to talk to you cause he asked me to sit with them." She said sitting on the floor next to me.

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