I love you.

8 1 11

The four of us arrived in the front foyer to find that we weren't the only people taken out of class. Weirdly enough our whole Lunch table/ friend group we're there: well apart from Miley.

Miley hadn't been in school for a while because she had gone on some "save the trees" camp. Honestly that girl loves the environment more than her own family.

Immediately everyone congregated in groups. All of my friends crowded together; A couple of nerds huddled in a corner; the Rugby team grouped and the bratty barbie dolls gathered beside them.

"Okay year 13. You lot have been chosen by your teachers because you have either worked hard in class or because your teacher wanted rid of you." Shouted Mrs McClurg

There were a couple hoots and high fives as she spoke the last part. Ryan, Amber, Alex and I all looked at each other; wide smiles on our faces.

"Settle down" Mrs McClurg boomed, silencing us all. For quite a petite woman she sure does have a good set of lungs. "You are being asked to set up a stall and see how much money you can make from the items you are selling, so without further ado I would like you all to get into groups of 8"

Instantly, Jack grabbed my forearm and pulled me into a group consisting of Amber, Leona, Adrianna, Leon, Alex, Ryan, Jack and now myself.

"What the heck are we doing?" I whispered to Jack.

"No clue, but I'm sure it's better than being stuck in a room with dumb and dumber" he whispered back with a chuckle, motioning towards Amber and Alex who are making whale noises at each other.

"Yeah, you got that right" I smirked.

"Guys!" Adrianna exclaimed, grabbing our attention. Well everyone's minus dumb and dumber as Jack likes to refer to them as.

"What?" Leona asked, rolling her eyes at her girlfriend.

"Should we not start putting up our stall like the other guys" she asked, looking over her shoulder anxiously.

I hear the sound of Amber hitting Alex over the head with her chemistry file (which had the word "laters" written in bold writing across the front of it)

"Dude, read the file!" Amber shouts.

"What? Laters. " Alex raised his voice mockingly.

"Will you two cut it out?" I rolled my eyes. "We have work to do."

We pick up the instruction sheet and get to work. Ryan, Jack and I start to build the stall; Leon, Adrianna and Amber worked on marketing; and Leona and Alex started creating the products we were going to be selling.

It wasn't long before other teams got bored of what they were doing and started to mingle with their opponents.

Amber got up and walked over to Connor's stall and started talking to them: this soon caused Alex to join her, although he claimed he was "gathering info on opposing teams".

I continued building the stall, because someone had to do some work. Jack and I made quite the team as we built the wooden frame. He would hold it in place as I hammered the nails in. Ryan was designing a brightly coloured sign to hang over the top of our stall and make it appealing to the customers.

"Are you sure you don't want me to hammer?" Jack asked anxiously, knowing I tended to be quite clumsy.

"Dude, I am an A level technology student." I spoke proudly. "Don't doubt my incredible abilities!"

"You should have taken A level drama, that was a very believable performance." Jack smirked.

"The cheek on you today Jack! I'm going to have to have a word with your mother. "

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