Chapter One

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John's POV

I lay in a modern hotel room with beige walls, a single window covered with brown curtains, and one king sized bed. The TV shows the aftermath of the war, mostly focusing on  the destroyed Mogadorian warships, the ash-covered and demolished cities, and what the authorities say will happen now. It's a grim sight.  I turn off  the TV and sigh and close my eyes. I hear my door creak open.

"Hey," I hear Sam say.

"Hi," I say. My voice is raspy and sounds tired, I honestly am.

"Feeling any better?" Sam asks, obviously trying to be subtle.

"Physically, yes I am," I reply.

"Good," he says.

"How's Six and Adam?" I know they were pretty hurt too.

"Adam is still really distant, but looks better, and Six is up and about," Sam tells me. That's a relief, mostly because Six is ok.

"Ok," I say.

"Want anything to eat?" He asks.

"Maybe something, like a sandwich," I say. I am somewhat hungry.

"Ok, I'll be right back," Sam says as he turns to walk out the door.

"Thanks, Sam," I say.

Sam is gone, so I decide to let myself doze off until I hear a knock.

"Mind if I come in?" It's Six. Her voice is rejuvenating a little, like a wake-up call, maybe because she saved my life in the cave. She came in to get me, because she just wouldn't have it that I die down there alone. I owe her everything.

"Go ahead," I say.

Six opens the door and steps in, there are dark circles under her eyes, she looks worn down. But that essence that has never failed her is still there, the essence of a warrior. Always ready to fight.

"How are you?" She asks. "Never-mind, that was a dumb question."

"I'm better," I say.

"That's good," she gives me a weak smile. Which I do my best to return.

"You look tired," I say, I'm feeling blunt.

"I am," she says, looking at the ground and smiling a little and then looking up at me again. "Now that this is over, I..." She trails off. And we just share a long stare at each other, but it's not awkward, like we're saying words without actually vocalizing them.

"I just feel like I have the ability to allow myself to be tired," she finishes. "I kind of hate it."

"I get that," I say honestly, I realize that is like how I feel now. It's all over, there no reason to not just rest, it's somewhat liberating, but also rather annoying, I feel no accomplishment.

Six just nods and then walks over to look out the window, when she turns her head, a few strands of her still blonde, yet still perfect hair fall and frame her face. I decide to get up and look out too, I still feel weak, but a lot stronger than I was yesterday. Marina's healing helped along with mine, but my other Legacies are taking their time returning.

I pull back the curtain more and look out at the West Virginian city, the buildings stand tall, yet we can see over most of them and out to the horizon from the top floor of this hotel. I smile grimly, it's nice to see a city that wasn't obliterated. I turn to look at Six, who notices my movement and looks back at me.

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