Chapter Twenty

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(AN ➡️ There is a cool song 🆙 ⬆️ . Kinda similar, to this book and this chapter especially (you might get what I mean at the end of the chapter). Song finding credits to that_weirdo_makayla)

John's POV






Just another day at the academy office as I log off my computer. I grab my few things and walk over to the Lecture Hall. Entering and stealing the attention of a few people.

The Seniors jump around each other, throwing kicks and punches and what not. Six and Nine stand atop the viewing area. Scanning with watchful eyes, occasionally barking out orders. I walk up the nearest staircase to join them.

"Hey guys," I say.

Both heads spin towards me.

"Hey Johnny Boy," Nine greets.

"Hey," Six says with a forced smile.

I take to watching the Human Garde with them. After a few minutes, Six elbows me and gives me a look.

"What?" I grumble.

"Anything new?" She asks. Nine turns and looks.

"Nope," I reply.

Six nods and Nine looks confused.

"Just show up at the mountain tonight and you'll know," I tell Nine.

He rolls his eyes. "What now? Some top secret info that I can't know about until later?"

"That's exactly what it is," Six hisses quietly.

Nine opens his mouth to speak, but Six throws a fist into his gut.

"Why won't you learn when to just shut up?" Six whisper-yells.

"She's right," I say in a low voice. "Just be patient, if you even know what that means."

Nine finally submits to his reprimands, making an exasperated guttural sound and making just about every annoyed sound and movement possible. Six turns to look at him and a small smile filled with laughter breaks her stoney complexion. When Nine sees how much she's enjoying his dismay, he frowns.

Nine's eyes flick to the clock and back down to the Human Garde. "You guys are done for the day!" He yells.


I've been watching and helping with the Human Garde all day. And honestly I could get used to it. Spending the whole day with Six and Nine is entertaining and hilarious. Plus I even learn a few things when they instruct the students.

"Quit flirting you two!" Six barks at Tori and Justin who are partnered up for the sparring today.

I notice Adelle easily avoiding David's movements, and when she quickly ducks under a kick from him and jumps up to throw him backwards a few feet with a punch to his gut. I immediately look around for someone harder to beat for her.

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