Chapter Seven

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John's POV

6 days later

Six, Marina, and Ella are arriving here in California tomorrow. They are staying at my house so I did a little cleaning up, it didn't take much effort though because I don't spend a lot of time here, I'm mostly at work.

"Work" to me is waking up at 5:0o AM and going to the Earth Garde Academy. I am part of the administration there and I've been working at bettering the system they have going for the Human Garde, and occasionally, when I can, I go help Nine with the Human Garde's physical training. I usually get take-out for dinner and get home around 7:00 PM. I go to bed as soon as possible since I can only hope I won't have nightmares.

I managed it get tomorrow and the day afterwards off of work. Six and I have been texting the details of their arrival tomorrow around noon, now that everything's set, I just have to hurry up and wait. I sit at the couch and randomly flip through channels on the TV. I never spent a lot of time watching TV so I have no idea what any of these things are. Eventually I settle on watch this Kardashian thing. I get disgusted after two minutes so I flip to another channel, this one's on a show called "NCIS." I actually kind of like it so I watch a whole bunch of episodes and then decide to go to the gym. It's a 24-hour gym, so I just walk in, show my membership card and go to the back chamber where almost nobody ever bothers to go. It always feels great to get exercise, the rush of my muscles burning. I'm at the gym for two hours and then decide to go home and get some rest. I stop for burgers on the way home and once I'm home I devour it.

I didn't do much today, but it felt good to just do whatever I wanted. I go to bed and decide to watch some boring show that I randomly select to help put me to sleep. I turn the volume down to a lull and lower the brightness on the TV just a little. I roll over and try to sleep.

It's almost an hour later and my mind is filled with thoughts, more specifically thoughts of Six. There's no mistaking that I still have feelings for her, and as much as I try to rid myself of them, they are forever returning. I've been in close contact with Sam as usual and he seems almost devastated with the break up. He told me everything about the fight and I did my best to be comforting, but all I could think of was Six.

How is she doing? Is she as sad over this? Is she ok? Should I call her? I really miss her a lot. Why did I just think about our kiss? Why am I not really sad for Sam? I feel bad but..Six. Six? Six. Six. Six. Six get out of my head. Six. Six. Six.....

Those are all the things that went through my head after Sam told me. I had decided to be honest with him about my feelings for her right then and there, I gave him the whole story. He's been my best friend for this whole time so he deserves to know. He took it lightly, saying how she would be happier with me probably. But I could sense that he was just only sadder. I didn't detect any jealousy though, like he was sad but he knew he needed to let Six go. She is stubborn as they get anyway, so there was no trying to get her back regardless.

But as soon as I tried to stop thinking about her, I think of her crazy, stubborn, willful, tough, her abnormally imperfect yet perfect personality, and how once you know her, she was the most loyal person you'll ever meet. If you earn her loyalty, you might as well have a force field around you, she'll always choose the ones she's loyal to first. How she fights flawlessly. Her perfect, selectively warm smile, her lush raven hair, how soft and magical her touch is...

I realize I'm creating an freaking essay about Six in my head, but oh well, because of it I fall into a sweet, dreamless, sleep.


I wake up and stretch, it's 8:00. I got to sleep in 3 hours, it felt really good.

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