Chapter Eighteen

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John's POV


"Seriously?" I gape.

Six nods, quickly looking down at her burrito and taking a bite.

"Why do you think she didn't tell anyone?" I ask.

"She told Tori," Six responds.

"That's not an answer," I groan.

"Oh, well maybe she didn't tell anyone because she wasn't sure she actually had it," Six guesses.

"Maybe," I say.

Ever since Makayla accidentally revealed she has Ximic yesterday, she's been all the news around the Academy. Of course, this is just reaching me now. This also means I'll have a new member in my group. That's if Makayla isn't in major trouble for keeping her legacy to herself. I don't want her to get in trouble, everyone has a right to withhold information if it's of no immediate need. I'm also shocked a little bit, Ximic is a literally one in a million legacy, if Makayla has it, she has to be something out of the ordinary.

Once me and Six finish our lunch, we both go home to prepare for this "huge" party Nine is throwing. All the Human Garde are going, along with some other friends Nine invited. After much persuasion, Six and I were finally coaxed into going.

Nine is throwing the party at his mansion near the bay, he brags about it all the time, even though he only goes there a few times a month. I've seen the place, it's huge. About the size of ten of my houses put together.

I get home, shower, and change into a light blue polo shirt, some black dress pants, and also fix my hair up.

I decide to drive the Ferrari, and I speed on over to Nine's insane house. He sure is the king of pulling strings.

I walk into the house, the Human Garde naturally clear a path when I walk through. I find Nine, Marina, and Daniela in the kitchen, sitting at the island and eating snacks. I walk towards them.

"Well look who showed up!" Nine cheers, walking over to me and throwing his arm around me.

"Hey John," Daniela says, giving as warm a smile she knows how to give.

Marina grins at me and gestures to all the food. There's everything from fruit, to crackers and bread, to meat, and there's a few cakes, some pies, and even vegetables.

"You better be starving because I have no clue how this food will all be eaten," she says.

"If not, I'll just have leftovers for the next few days," Nine says.

"You mean the next few years," I remark.

"Where's Six?" Marina asks.

"I don't know," I answer honestly.

"She better be here soon," Mar says.

I've been hanging out and eating with my friends for about twenty minutes when I hear a few high school boys muttering. I turn around to see Six making her way through the crowd. Her hair is pulled into a ponytail with a few looses strands allowed to frame her face. She wears skinny jeans and a white, flowing blouse, along with some white flats Marina bought her.

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