Chapter Eleven

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Six's POV

Nine is explaining to me how he trains the Human Garde in their PE, how they are grouped, and what the best tactics for them to understand are.

"....and they are grouped by how may Legacies they have," Nine finishes.

"Got it," I say.

John and I help Nine set up an obstacle course. Mostly it's just pushing buttons and the normal gym transforms into almost another Lecture Hall.

"In honor of you two being here," Nine says. "We shall play capture the flag today."

"Sounds exciting," I say.

"We don't get to play, Six," John says. "But we can shout out instructions."

"I knew that," I spit. "Legacies used, correct?"

"Yep," Nine says. "That's why I'm going to need Johnny Boy charge this baby up with Dreynen so the material only will be resistant to the more destructive ones  and the kids won't  destroy my Lecture Hall."

John nods and gets to work.

"Today the grouping will work different," Nine says. "The Seniors and Juniors will come in together at second period, the Sophomores and Freshmen at fourth period, and seventh grade at sixth period, and eighth grade at seventh."

"Ok," I say.

I'm getting rather excited now, I really want to watch these guys go at it.


The first class passes quickly, they definitely showed some skill. But they weren't really into it except a few, like everything was too easy for them.

Now we wait for the next class to show up.

First a few boys stream in and notice the set up, they set about warming up while they chat about the upcoming game. Soon afterwards a band of three girls step into the New Lecture Hall and begin to warm up. I hear the brown haired one say something about a "bae." The blonde girl in particular looks excited and ready to go, the dark brown (almost black) haired girl with tanner skin than the others looks over the room with careful eyes, and is the first to notice me. Her eyes widen and she leans over and whispers to the blonde girl, who quickly spots me too. She doesn't look at me long before going down into another stretch with a giddy look of excitement on her face. The brown haired girl then sees me and barely looks at me before looking away. More kids come in and it's another ten minutes before it's time and to start.

"HEY GUYS!" Nine yells.

All the kid's heads shoot up from whatever they were doing and they jog over to Nine, forming a line in front of him.

"We have a special guest here today," Nine says.

John appears next to him and all of them jump, except for the blonde girl from earlier, I just notice her charm bracelet glow red for a moment and she clutches it to her palm.

"A very special guest," John adds.

"Ugh," I say as I walk out into the front and center. "Stop it with the intros already."

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