Chapter 9

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Here I am once again trying to find something to wear on my date with Sam.

I had never thought I would ever be exited to see Sam. But here I am.

I finally decided on skinny jeans, a denim jacket with a red tank top, and converse.

'ding dong' the doorbell sounds from downstairs. I rush down and open the door.

"hello Marlee" Sam says with a smile.

"hey" I reply. hello?why'd he say hello? who says that?

"are you ready to go?" he asks politely. he's wearing a white shirt with a blazer and jeans. fancy.

"yes I guess. oh let me grab my purse." he nods as I dash up the stairs

as we get into the car, it's already warm inside. he remembered. he remembered last time when I was cold. a small grin makes its way up to my face.

" Are you ready Marlee?" he asks formally.

"yes Sam" I giggle. I am such a child sometimes.

"Would you like to hear the schedule of how tonight's evening will go?" he asks me after a couple minutes of silence.

"yes please" hey, if he's gonna be all formal and stuff, I don't want to be the odd one out.

"ok. so I planned to go see the new Disney movie Frozen first, then go to my house because my moms making BBQ. that is, if you want to."

Meet his family? does he have siblings? won't his mother worry where he is when he's spending all of his time in front of my home?

" That's good" I tell him.

"ok. would you like the radio on?" he asks. I remember last time I liked his taste in music so why not?

"yes please"

he reaches over and presses the 'power' button on his radio system.

'radioactive' starts playing. I almost start to sing along but that would be un-formal.

once we turn into the movie theater parking lot, we get out an he buys the tickets. finally he starts acting like a gentlemen.

we go in and he buys popcorn and two water bottles. I say 'thank you' as we walk to theater 12. I'm actually exited to see this childish movie. I think its a cute 'date movie'.


"I liked the part when the snowman was singing about summer, and when he said 'winter is a good time to stay in and cuddle, but put me in summer an i'll be a- and then that little girl yelled PUDDLE!"

"that was so funny!" ha says and we laugh together as we walk toward the truck.

it's cold. it's already late and I'm freezing. Sam looks over and sees me shivering with my arms crossed.

"here!" he pulls of his jacket and drapes it over my shoulders.

check that off the list.

"um thanks" I say awkwardly and we talk about the movie until we get to his truck.

I hand him his blazer as we get to the truck.

" ready to go?" he asks once again.

"yes sir" I put my hand on my forehead saluting him. we laugh as he pulls out of the lot.

this isn't going too bad.

we listen to multiple different songs on the way to his home.

"so how old are you?" I ask attempting to make small talk.

"16" he says. so am I.

" me too. when's your birthday?"

"march 27." he replies. dang it. mines June 9. he's older than me.

"when's yours?" he asks me.

"June 9" I tell him.

"I'm older than you." he says with a smug smile.

"oh shut up"

we laugh again as we drive down his street.

once we pull into his driveway, he gets out and walks over to open my door.

"thank you" I'm getting used to saying those words now.

he put his hand on the small of my back as we walk up onto the porch and through the door.

his house was like any other house. dining room to the right stairs to the left. the layout was kind of like Daisy's house.

"the kitchen is right up here." he points to the left behind where the stairs are.

the kitchen is nice and organized with a fridge and all the other kitchen materials.

"hello! you must be Marlee!" an elderly Asian woman walked up and hugged me.

"ya that's me."

"I'm Melissa but you can call me Mel. "

"oh. nice to meet you." she is a very sweet old women.

" I have some ribs over here" she signaled towards the plate stacked with ribs "an here are some hot dogs and hamburgers. " she pointed towards a similar plate with hamburger patties and hot dogs. next to that was another plate with buns, lettuce, cheese, and a bottle of ketchup and mustard was sitting next to it.

As we ate, Sam put on some music on the stereo system in the living room.

" You like it?" he points to his plate.

"Ya It tastes good"

"good" he smiles. This time he ate maturely and wiped his mouth after he got some ketchup on his mouth.

After dinner, we went to watch T.V for a little bit.

"what would you like to watch?" he asks me.

"um, whatever is on. It doesn't matter."

"um ok." he puts it on 'Phineas and Ferb'

"um?" I giggle

"what" he says.

"Isn't this show for little kids?"

"ya. so?" he looks at me. we are both holding back laughter, I can tell.


"haha" we both burst out laughing.

"d-don't ju-judge me-e" he says between laughs. So we continue watching.

"so... the platypus is a secret agent right?"


"and the main characters have green and red hair?"


"and the sisters head looks like a dinosaur?"

"exactly" we both burst out laughing once again. I lose track of time and before I know it, I'm dozing off on his couch.

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