Chapter 5

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What am I even supposed to wear on this damn date? my red strapless dress? too revealing. My yellow sundress? too casual. Seriously, where is he even taking me? I decide to text him.

*um, just out of curiosity, where are we going?*

A few minutes later he responds.

*um wherever you want I guess*

What? aren't the guys like supposed to have like this plan for dates? But he's not a guy. He's a stalker. I remind myself.

*um. Ok?*

I choose my blue hi low dress and my denim jacket because its not too revealing and still looks sexy on me.

*im here* he sends.

I grab my purse, slip on my toms and go down the stairs.

"Bye mom!" I yell to her while shes in the kitchen.

"Bye sweetie! Have fun!" I doubt it.

"Ok bye!" I walk out onto the porch and see him leaning on his truck. Hes wearing black jeans, a T-shirt and a gray jacket. Looks like he finally changed clothes so I guess thats good.

"Hey Marlee. how are you doing?" Well I'm regretting this already and wishing I could slip on my footsies and read "After" the rest of the night but oh well.

"Uh, good"

"Good" he awkwardly opens my door and I sit on his leather seat.

"Are you cold?" he asks me.

"Yea. A little." I admit. He turns on the heat and I put my hands up to the vent. I didn't realize how cold I was in this dress. He better lend me his jacket later or we're through.

"So where do you want to go?" He asks me. How the heck am I supposed to know?! The guy is really supposed to plan ahead of time.

"Um. I don't know. you should choose." I say to him.

"Uh, ok, what about... Applebee's?" Yess! I love Applebee's.

"Ya. Sounds good" I reply.

"Ok. Applebee's it is." He replies.

"Do you mind if I turn on my radio?" he asks.

"nah go ahead" I tell him. I wonder what type of music he listens to? once he turns it on, 'imagine dragons' floods through the truck. Oh my god! I love imagine dragons! I cant believe he likes them too.

The rest of the drive was quiet and most of the songs I knew. Once we pulled in to Applebee's, he opened my door again and we walked to the front desk.

"Table for two." Sam says. The blond lady with glasses leads us to small table meant for two people.

"Here are your menus. Can I offer you something to drink?" she asks. Sam looks to me.

"I'll take some Dr. Pepper." I tell the lady with a badge reading 'Emilee'

"And Ill take some coke." He tells her.

"I'll be back in a few." Emilee smiled and walked into the 'employees only' door.

"So have you ever been here before?" Sam asks.

"Yea. A few times" I reply. It remains quiet for a while. My thoughts thinking about when the waitress will be back.

It feels like and hour when Emilee finally returned, ending the awkward silence.

"Here ya go. Are you ready to order?"

"Um. Ya I think so." Sam tells her.

"Ill take the sausage pizza with a side of grapes. " He tells her. Wait, isn't the guy always supposed to let the lady order first? I read a book about this once.

"Um, and Ill have the caesar salad with a side of grapes as well." I tell her.

"Okay thank you. Be back in a few."

"Ive heard that before." I tell Sam after the waitress walked off. He laughed with me.

" You know what I've always wondered?" He asked me.


"Whats really behind the 'employees only' doors? Like seriously. They always go back there."

"Um I don't know probably a kitchen." That was a stupid question.

"Ya I know, but I wonder if they're hiding anything back there." He says.

"Like a dead body." he says, trying to creep my out. Its not working.

"Um ya right." I reply sarcastically.

"Ok ok just saying. " He tells me.

It was an awkward silence for a while again. Until the waitress brought our food.

I grabbed my fork and ate like a normal person while Sam shoved pizza in his mouth. I am regretting this once agin. Once all the pizza and salad is gone, Sam looks up at me, pizza sauce covering all over his face and smiles. Ew.

"You almost ready to leave?" He asks me.

"Uh, ya. But you got a little, something." I point to the corner of my mouth showing him where it was on his mouth.

"Oh" he says and licks it off. Why did I even agree to come on this date.

"Check?" the waitress asks.

Sam reaches into his pocket.

"Oops. Forgot my wallet. But Marlee will pay." No way. No fucking way. This date is a waste of my time. He doesn't even act like a gentlemen much less treat me like a lady.

"Oh no. You were supposed to pay. I didn't bring my wallet." I lie.

"Oh. Well. Then ill use my credit card. Here." He hands the lady.

"Thank you" she said and walked back to pay the credit card.

"What the hell was that?" Sam asks me.

"Um. What was what?"

"You not paying! that was my parents credit card only to be used in case of emergency!" he said angrily.

Really. He's mad at me?

"Um. I don't think you know this but the gentlemen are supposed to pay for the meals." Man he's stupid.

"Oh. Whatever" yep looks like theres not going to be a second date.

The lady comes back and gives Sam his credit card back and walks away.

"Lets go." He said flatly.

Once we get in his truck, he plays music the whole ride home. No talking. At all.

Finally we pulled into my cull de sac.

"Well, bye" he said.

"Bye." I reply and walk

Into my house. I look out the window and see his truck drive away. At least he didn't rape me.

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