Chapter 16

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/// this chapter has a Little bit of sexual content. Not really though. It's just a inappropriate 'out fit' \\\

What is wrong with me? Why do I fall so easily into relationships if I know they're not going to last?

Now, here I am.. in a dressing room at a shop crying. Sara was still in her dressing room next to me so I decided to text her.

*Hey. Um can we leave. I need to talk to you. *

She replied.

*Ok. I'm gonna buy the red dress. Its perfect. :) *

She came out a moment later and I was standing behind a rack of clothes hiding from the two lovebirds. The though makes me want to punch him.

"Marlee what are you-" I brutally threw my hand over her mouth and pulled her into another dressing room.

"Shhhh!! Don't talk so loudly!" I whispered loudly to her.

"What why?" she looked scared.

"Because I- I saw Sam out there with another girl..."

"Oh Marlee... I'm so sorry" oh so now she understands me.

She pulls me into a hug and I start quietly crying again.

"Hey, why don't we go but some cinnamon pretzels huh?" she asked, still hugging.

"O-ok" I sniffled.

We slowly made our way out of the dressing room and hid behind another rack. We spotted them across the store looking at panties.


We made our way rack to rack to the exit. We walked out into the mall and I tried my best to smile and act upbeat, but I knew I would breakdown sooner or later.

"Two pretzel bites and two red slushes please." Sara asked the man with a name tag reading 'Mark'.

"Here ya go. That'll be 6.99 Mark said.

Sara paid and we sat down on a table in the food court. Sara said she would buy her dress later when Sam wasn't there to make me feel bad. I was grateful to her.

"So, what exactly happened?" she asks.

"Um. Well.. can I tell you later. I'm not in the mood right now."

"Of coarse." She said understandingly, but I knew she wanted to know now.

We continued finishing our meal and headed back to the shop.

"Can I have my red dress now please?" Sara asked the lady at the checkout.

"Someone already bought it." The bored lady said to us.

"What!? Who??"

"I don't know some girl walking with an Asian kid."


"Oh. Okay" Sara looked sad I know she really liked that dress.

"Wanna keep looking around?" I asked her nicely.

"No. I want to go home now." She looked down.


We walked out of the store and to our cars.

"Bye. Sorry about the dress." I told her.

"Bye. Sorry about Sam."

We walked our separate ways to our cars.

Why did I ever like Sam?? He started off by stalking me! I'm such a fuck up!! I should have never trusted him!!!!!!

I was mad, depressed, and heartbroken all at once.

--- Sam's Point of View ---

Danielle was hot and all but she was no Marlee. Ever since Marlee's mom said I couldn't see her anymore and she kept getting in trouble because of me, I've been trying to keep my distance.

Danielle was a distraction.

"Hey babe? How about these?" she pointed to a pair of panties with arrows pointing right there saying 'insert here'.

Fuck. What have I gotten myself into.

"Those are sexy" I lied.

Ugh this girl was annoying. But she had a beautiful body. Which was an good distraction.

She bought her shit and we left back to her place. Her parents were doctors so they were gone all the time. More distraction for me.

I sat on her couch while she went to change.

She came back wearing the slutty underwear she bought.

"How do I look?" she asked turning around.

"Good" I lied once again. I wished she were Marlee.

"C'mon. Lets go to my room. It's cold out here." She winked and pulled me by my shirt into her dark room.

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