Chapter 2

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After school, I walked to the front and waited for my friends. I wanted to tell them about "stalker boy" and ask for advice. Once they finally came out of the gates I jogged over to them and said," Ok guys, Do you wanna hear something really weird?"




"Mmhmm" my friends say to me in agreement.

"Alright so, I was going rollerblading yesterday with greg, and this guy ran into me on his rollerblades a-"

"Oh my god are you ok?" Sara asks.

"Was he hot?" Daisy says smugly.

"Oh my gosh I wasn't finished yet. Now hush" I put my index finger to my lips to silence them. " Ok, so once he ran into me, and I'm fine, he was all like "sorry " and then he started staring at me. Next thing I knew he followed me home and to school today!"

"Really?" Sara said.

" Oo someones got a boyfriend!" Daisy giggled. I just rolled my eyes and I stuck up my pinkie at her as if I was flipping her off. Its our thing.

'W-where is he n-now?" Maya said. Scared again.

"Honestly, I don't know. He is pretty annoying actually , and once I got out of my car to go to school I lost him. I hope he's not still here." I say looking around frantically.

"Well, I really hope you figure this out but I gotta go. My mom's here. Bye" I hug jenna as she walks to her moms orange car.

"Yeah, I'd better head home too. My grandma's coming over." Daisy says.

"Ok. Bye daisy! See you tomorrow!" I hug her as well as she walks to her car.

"Well....?" Maya said awkwardly.

"Hey does anyone want a ride home?" I suggest because Sara and Maya both live on the same street as me.

"No my mom will be here in a minute." Maya says.

"Um sure." Sara says.

"Ok well, Maya is it ok if we leave?" I ask. I didnt want to leave her here alone.

"Ya sure sure its fine." She smiles. We exchange hugs and walk to my car. I don't really know why we hug even though I will see them again tomorrow. Oh well, I guess its another one of "our things."

As me and Sara are sitting in my car in the line of cars heading out of school, I notice a pickup truck a few cars behind me out of my rearview mirror.

"Crap" I say a little bit quietly but Sara still heard.

"What?" she says curiously.

"Well, do you see that pickup truck a few cars behind us?" I ask her as she turns around to look.

"Um yea. Why?" she asks.

"Thats the "stalker boy". " Thats all I have to say and Sara knew exactly who I meant.

"Thats him?! Oh my god he is still following you?!" She asks, raising her voice and speaking quickly.

"Ya I know right. He's a creeper." I tell her.

" Ya no kidding." She tells me. We sing along to songs on my iPod until we reach Shady Glen rd.

"Okay. Well thanks for driving me Marlee!" She tells me as she grabs her bag and walks out.

"You're welcome. See you tomorrow!" I call back and she waves and walks into her house. Meanwhile the truck is waiting behind me as I pull out and drive into my cull de sac.

I pull into the driveway and he parks in the same spot he did last night. Once I grab my stuff, I walk quickly to the door and feel his eyes on me the whole way. I quickly jab my key into the door, twist it and run inside.

No one is home and I want to take a nap so I go upstairs and fall asleep at 3:24.


As I wake up,my clock says 4:47 and I hear the TV on downstairs. My mom and brother must be home. I walk down the stairs and around the corner and see my brother on the couch.

"Hey greg" I say.

"Sup Marlee" he replies and I go to get a snack from the kitchen. I grab a little bag of goldfish. I go to sit at the table and I see "stalker boy" looking through the window at me.

What? Why was he at my window? I am gonna call the cops for sure. He is not allowed to be on my property. Even I knew that was wrong and creepy. I walk out to my front porch ready to rat him out.

" Dude! Stop being such a stalker!! You don't watch people eat! Thats creepy." I yell at him.

" You're beautiful when you're angry." Was all he said.

"Angry? Angry? No, I am more than angry at you, I am gonna call th- " I get interrupted by him pressing his lips against mine. Who the fuck does this guy think he is?! He cant just kiss me.

I try pulling away but he is gripping my wrists, so I do the only thing I can think of, I bite. As he try's to push his tongue into my mouth, I bite his tongue, hard.

"Ouch! You're a bad kisser did you know that?" he asked me holding his tongue.

"Shut up!! Just shut the hell up you stalker!! I don't even know anything about you! You cant just kiss me!!" I scream at him. I cant tell his emotion. Hurt? No he looks.... why is he smiling, why is he laughing at me!?!

"When my dad comes home you're dead! Don't you dare step on my property again or I will slit your throat!" I yell and storm back into my home. I grab a small towel and soap and scrub my lips until they're sore. no amount of soap will be enough.

A few minutes later I hear my dads car pull up. FINALLY.

"Hidadhowwasyourdayatwork?Thatsgoodihavetotalktoyou." I say way too fast for him to understand.

"Ummm..maybe a little slower Marlee" he chuckles.

"Ok dad. I gotta talk to you about something. There is a boy following me around and I need you to get rid of him. He even followed me to school!" I say.

" Don't worry sweetheart. Where is he now? I'll talk to him.. we'll talk to him. " He said grinning. What? No. I cant. I wont.

"Dadd! I cant talk to him! he is stalking me. Thats creepy." I try to explain.

"Well then, you'll just have to handle this on your own honey. Because I need to hear both sides of the story."

Ughhh. Why does this have to be so complicated.

"Ok ok fine." I finally agree.

"Good. Then we'll talk tomorrow." He said smiling because he realizes he had won.

"Tomorrow" I agree reluctantly.

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