9: Will You Be My Balentime?

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*okay so this is a time skip for a couple months just because I want to write Valentine's Day junk okay so fight me*
ALSO MY FREN DUDE entoplierphangirl MADE ME DO THIS IM SUING XD (jk ily brotine)

February 14

Mikey pulled on his Super Mario Bros sweater and his light up, Velcro sketchers. He couldn't wait to show his class his Valentine's Day box. He was up a whole hour past his bedtime working on it, even with help from Gerard. It was perfect. He made the best unicorn ever.

"Mikey, are you ready?" Mrs. Way asked, popping her head in his door. He looked up and smiled at her.

"Yes, mommy. Can we get drinks?" He asked. She pursed her lips.

"I'll think about it. Let's go," she replied, holding his door open more.

He grabbed his back pack and Valentine's box and ran out into the hall. He skipped to the kitchen and picked up his lunch box off the table with his free hand and skipped the rest of the way to the door. Mrs. Way came up behind him and opened the door and locked it behind her with her keys. They walked to the car, which was already on with Gerard in the front seat as usual. Mikey quickly climbed in behind him and set his box in the middle next to him. He was bouncing in his seat, unable to stay calmed down. Mrs. Way pulled out of the driveway and turned on the radio.

She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak...

Mikey gasped and bounced more, struggling against his seatbelt to hold onto the back of Gerard's seat to look out the wind shield.

"Mommy! Mommy! I know this song!" He exclaimed. Gerard grunted from his seat.

"Well duh, it's only one of the bestest songs ever," he added. Mikey nodded. Mrs. Way looked back at him in the rear view mirror and smiled. She turned it up a couple notches.

"Hey! Way! I got a new complaint! For ever and dead to your princess advice!"Mikey sang with everyone else.


The rest of the ride was filled with the Way's awesome singing skills and the occasional banter between the brothers. Mrs. Way had gotten them both their choice of sodas; Mikey, Sprite. Gerard, Coke.

She dropped them off at the front of the school, giving the boys each a kiss on their cheek, even with Gerard's complaints. The boys ran off to the playground and set found their friends. Mikey sat his box carefully on the wall with the others, asking the duty teacher if he could make sure no one broke it. He set his backpack down as well and set off to find his best friend.

He found Pete on the swings, alone. He skipped up behind him and gave him a hug from behind.

"Hey!" Pete exclaimed, scared a bit. Mikey kissed his cheek.

"Happy Balentine's Day, Petey Weety!" Mikey exclaimed. Pete smiled and jumped out of his swing.

"Happy Balentime's Day to you, too, Mikeyway!" Pete smiled and engulfed Mikey in a hug.

"Pete I got you something special," Mikey noted in a singsong tone. Pete's eyes lit up.

"Really? Oh what did you get me?" He asked. Mikey smiled and grabbed his hand.

"Come on, I'll show you," Mikey giggled.

He held Pete's hand and ran with him all the way to the wall and to his bag. He unzipped it quickly and pulled out the Walmart sack with Pete's present.

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