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Everything was great after the VK's choice good, all the Ak's were more friendly with them and everything was just prefect, but not everything could be so perfect for so long, right? Well just for the villain kids, cause they came from the Isle of the lost and well, I'm going to far, let's focus...Mal was in her second date with the king of Aurandon, Ben, the guy who stole her Heart, They went not so far from the school campus, let's just say that they were close to the woods, Ben invited Mal to a beautiful picnic...
There was a lot of food, specially strawberries cause you know Mal love strawberries...there was some sandwiches, chocolate, fruit and donuts...

"Close your eyes" Ben said covering with his hands the eyes of Mal

"Oh come on Ben, your gonna do this again" Mal said with sarcasm, Ben take away his hands from her eyes...

"Wow, Ben! This is beautiful...how do you" Mal was surprised...

"I decided to do it here in the school, this time I know how much you like the first one, that I decide to do another one for our second date" Ben said with a big smile in his face...
Mal give Ben a hug and then they sit down in the blanket and start enjoy the picnic and eat their food...
Evie was in her room she was just doing her makeup in front of the big mirror that she have next to her matrix when someone nock the door
"Im coming" she said with a smile cause she was looking so prefect like always..

"Hey Evie, I was thinking that it's time to have our first date" Doug said a little scared...

"Ok...this is not weird at all, I thought we were just friends, and when we try to go out, you were just talking about the class and homework, it was just weird, that all that we have in comment it's the class, don't you thing?" Evie said without a expression in her face...

"I know, your right this is weird I thought that I like you since I saw you for the first time, but now all that we have its friendship" Doug said with a fake smile...

"Don't be sad Doug you will find a nice princess that will love you for the way you are" Evie said smiling at Doug...

"Your right" Doug said smiling back...

"Now what about if we start with doing our homework, cause I enjoy this moments with you" Evie said looking at Doug...

"Yeah, sure lets do it" Doug said excited..
Doug came into the room and sit right next to Evie as close as possible, but they were just friends and Doug was much happier to stay that way...
Carlos was in his room bored waiting for Jay

"Where is Jay?" Carlos say with a tone in his voice...

"Oh, Hey! puppy eyes" Jay said coming into the room...

"Where were you?" Carlos said with a confused face cause Jay have in her hands a little box...

"Oh sorry C, but here I stole this chocolate from the cafeteria" Jay said with a little smile in his face...

"What we supposed to be good remember...oh who I'm kidding, Give me that" Carlos said with a big smile...

"why do you have that box anyway" Carlos said looking the box in the hands of Jay...

"Oh right, I get you something!" Jay said giving the box to Carlos...
Carlos grave the box an opened...

"Wow it's this..." Carlos said excited...

"Yeah" Jay said with a big smile in his face...
Carlos run into Jay and he give him a hug...

"I could kiss you!!!" Carlos said super exited...

"Well, what are you waiting for" Jay said looking into Carlos eyes..
Carlos just look at him and he give him a kiss in his Cheek, and Jay blush...

"Thank you, thank you, thank you..." Carlos said super happy...

"I finally got the bracelet that my father give me when I was little, but how do you found it" Carlos said looking at Jay with a smile...

"Well you said that your father give you that bracelet when you were little, but when he die your mother take it away from you, so I ask Jordan for help and she help me to get it back" Jay said looking at Carlos face...

"So...you ask Jordan for a wish?" Carlos said a little confused...

"Yeah, pretty much" Jay said with a smile...

"Thank you, but why did you do it" Carlos said looking at Jay...

"Because I want you to be happy, and that bracelet it's special for you" Jay said looking at Carlos and giving him a smile...

"Thank you Jay" Carlos said giving him a hug...
"I don't like the VK's, they are just faking that are good people and maybe they are probably trying to take over Auradon.." Chad said with a angry face...
"That's they legacy"
This villain kids are good now but Chad still not truest them and he is gonna make them go back to their weak ways...

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