"Dark Magic"

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Everything was back to normal, well kinda, Three villain kids(pirates) were in Auradon Harry, Uma and Gil. Mal was complaining with Freddie for going  back to the isle and come back with the three pirates. Uma apologize to Mal, Harry and Gil couldn't believe what she was doing but they give Auradon a change, CJ was found in the ship close to the ocean. CJ apologize to King Ben and the villain kids for making Auradon go wicked. CJ get an opportunity to stay in Auradon with her brother, Mal was feeling sorry for putting a spell in Ben and the others. Mal and her friends make an apologize party all organized by Evie of curse. Everything was finally back to normal but not for too long.

3 Months Later

"I love your blonde hair Mal" said Evie entering to the room.

"Thanks E. But doesn't feel like me" said Mal brushing her hair.

"But you look beautiful I'm kinda jealous that you could be the next fairest of them all" said Evie joking around.

"Ha ha funny" said Mal walking side to side still brushing her hair "Hey didn't you tell me yesterday that you have a date with Ben?" Ask Evie getting the materials for the dress  "the date!!" Said Mal raising both of her eyebrows and throwing the brush down "I totally forgot it" said Mal running to the door "good luck fam" said Evie trying to find the perfect color for the new dress of Mal.

Mal run to the backyard of the kingdom, was 5 minutes away till Ben came there for their 5th date "he's gonna be here in no time and I have nothing" said Mal walking in circles but she had an idea "of course" said Mal standing in the middle of the yard "love is in the air but something I forget I want to have here a whole dinner date" said Mal appearing a table with food in the top and flowers in the walls "perfect" said Mal smiling "Hey Mal" said Ben coming with flowers in his arms "Hey Ben" said Mal giving Ben a kiss both of them sit in the chairs and start their dinner "you look beautiful as always" said Ben making Mal smile "Mal, you know you can't used magic here" said Ben getting serious "what?" Ask Mal getting nervous "I know you used magic to appear this whole thing" said Ben showing Mal the obvious "how do you?" Ask Mal looking at Ben "I know you Mal" said Ben standing up from the chair "I just used a little bit of help" said Mal standing up too "this isn't the isle of the lost Mal" said Ben looking at Mal "believe me I know that" said Mal looking at Ben "you can't used magic whenever you want it's against the rules" said Ben leaving Mal alone. Mal start to get angry at herself and she go back to her room.

The door open and Evie was there finishing the dress "how was your date? Ask Evie smiling "it was horrible" said Mal laying down in her bed "why" said Evie turning her head back to face Mal "Ben find out I used magic for the dinner date" said Mal "and he get mad at me" said Mal getting up from the bed "I can't be the perfect princess that everyone wants me to be" said Mal looking at Evie, Mal move her finger in circle appearing herself a new clothes but not any close an villain one "I don't belong here" said Mal starting to cry "I haven't left my rotten ways" said Mal looking at Evie while tears were falling from her cheeks "you should talk with Ben about it" said Evie hugging Mal "no, he want a princess not a villain as a girlfriend. And that's what I would do" said Mal staying up wiping away her tears "one its not enough I need my other side come to life" said Mal moving her finger in circles appearing a green smoke in all the room. When the green smoke disappear Evie look at Mal and saw that there was two Mal's "Mal? There's two Mal's?" Ask Evie looking at both of them surprise.

"It work" said the real Mal looking sThe the other Mal.

"Of course it work I'm the most powerful girl in all Auradon" said the second Mal smiling at the both of them.

"Damn she's good" said Evie looking at the other Mal.

"Hey E. Wanna do some mischief" said Mal smiling at them.

"We can't do that here besides I want you to be what I'm not" said the original Mal.

"Of course you want me to be the perfect princess for Ben" said the second Mal putting one hand in her waist.

"Wait what's gonna happen with you M.?" Ask Evie turning her back to face Mal.

"I'm gonna be out for 3 days I have something to do" said Mal looking at Evie "you both are gonna be okay" said Mal giving a hug to Evie and disappearing.

"So hey Mal, you need to put this dress on" said Evie handing the dress to the new Mal.

"Yeah, yeah whatever you said" said the second Mal using magic to put the dress on "I don't like dresses" said the second Mal looking at the dress with a disgusting face.

"Too bad. You need to wear it" said Evie walking to the door "I will be back don't go anywhere" said closing the door.

"Go anywhere? it's on my plans" said Mal smiling "dark and evil in our blood I need the time to stop" said Mal making the time stop in the whole world. "The stories of our parents, the legacies they left for us have to come back to life" said Mal making the whole world move again but a book appear in her foot "the storybook" said Mal smiling, she take it in her hands turning her eyes green.
New episode I will update anytime I can I have the rest episodes planned!!! Enjoy and vote!

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