"Wicked ways"

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"I feel terrible" Evie said laying down in her bed.

"What, Did you change your mind about Doug?" Mal said, she was in her bed drawing something(ben's eyes).

"No! He's my friend, I feel terrible for all the things I have done to you guys" Evie said putting a pillow in her face.

"It's ok Evie, we know you were under a spell and we forgive you, besides the jewel it's back to the museum and its extremely secure" Mal said playing with one pice of her hair.

"We have problems, real problems!" Carlos said entering in to the room.

"What's wrong?" Evie ask taking off the pillow of her face.

"Our jewels disappear from the museum! And was CJ who stole them" Carlos said putting her arms up in a dramatic position.

"Carlos you are dramatic" Mal said rolling her eyes "Calm down, we are gonna find CJ and we are gonna get back the jewels to the museum" she said closing her notebook .

"But what if she..." Carlos said "what if she used the jewels to make us evil again or worse take over Auradon" Carlos whisper.

"He's right, she could try to make us evil again, and I'll be...ugh" Evie said laying down in the bed again and putting her pillow in her face.

"We are gonna find her, don't worry by the way you guys are so dramatic, ugh" Mal said living the room.

"Where did she go?" Carlos ask.

"Probably with Ben" Evie said under the pillow of her face.

"Evie can I ask you something?" Carlos said sitting in Evie's bed.

"Yeah sure, what's wrong" Evie took the pillow away from her face and she sit in the bed close to Carlos.

"What do you do when you find out that your best friend it's your true love?" Carlos ask Evie.

"Aww, Carlos your in love! With who?" Evie hug Carlos.

"When you put that spell on me, was like the one that Maleficent put on sleeping beauty, and only a true love kiss could wake me up, and that one was...Jay" Carlos said taking the pillow in her arms in a hug.

"Wait, what? That's so sweet!!!" Evie scream excited "I knew you guys have something going on in while, but you guys were so...boys to not find out sooner!" She said kissing Carlos forehead.

"Evie calm down, I mean I feel something for him, I think I feel something, but we haven't talk about that yet" Carlos said putting his eyes down.

"You should go talk with him" Evie said playing with Carlos hair.

"You think?" Carlos look up.

"Yes" Evie said smiling.

"Thanks Evie" Carlos hug her "by the way, don't play with mah hair, your making it look crazy" Carlos said laughing a little.

"Why is there so much homework arg" Jay said putting his face in the papers.

"And Mal said that I'm dramatic" Carlos said coming in to the room and trowing a pillow in Jay's head.

"Hey!" Jay said touching his head.

"Jay doing homework? That's new" Carlos said laughing.

"There's always a first time" Jay said smiling at Carlos.

"I like your smile...I mean I like you enthusiasm" Carlos get nervous.

"Thanks?" Jay smile at Carlos again.

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