"The Sleeping Carlos"

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So that was it, the peaceful place called Auradon Prep, was about to feel the power of revenge, Evie had a legacy behind that came back to take over her, and no one could stop her, well exempt the jewel, but everyone were so scared to find out that, especially her friends, Carlos never seem her like this before, not even in the Isle, He was terrify, Jay had million of questions in his head, and Mal, Mal was so confused at this point.

"Evie, STOP!" Said Jay grabbring her arm.

"What are you doing Jay?" Evie ask him showing him her red eyes.

"This is wrong, we chose good remember?" Jay said looking at her, but now was too late, that girl was not her friend anymore, she was looking for revenge, she wanted to be the next Evil Queen.

"Let me go!" She push him away, making him fall to the ground.

"Evie, Stop...we are your friends, don't you remember" Carlos said looking at her eyes, he was about to cry.

"I had no friends, only partners in crime" Evie said raising her eyebrows, she took out another bottle from her purse, and she threw it at Carlos, Carlos fall sleep to the ground, but before he could touch the ground Jay grabbed him in his arms.

"Ok, that's enough!" Mal said with a angry voice, putting herself between Evie and Jay, cause Evie was out of control, and she was messing with her family.

"You don't wanna hurt me Mal" Evie said putting her scary face, but everything was a tramp.

"Do you" Mal answer.

"You don't deserve to became a queen!" Saying that she get out of her purse another poison, and she threw it to Mal, then appear a blue smoke, that covered all the place, it was just for 3 seconds then Evie disappear.

"Where did she go?" Jay ask.

"I don't know, but we'll find her" Mal said looking through the doors of the cafeteria.

"We need to help Carlos, Lonnie and Chad..." Jay said.

"Yeah right, let me see if I can find something in my spell book" Mal said looking in her book.

"Got it!" Mal said looking at Jay.

"Did you find something" Jay ask with a worry face.

"Light from the sun, dark from the cave, make the spell go away!" Mal cast the spell, Lonnie and Chad wake up, but Carlos didn't.

"Ok, let me try something different, light it up, please wake up!" Carlos didn't move it all "Carlos...please...wake up" Jay said hugging Carlos with his arms about to cry.

"We've had enough of all this fear, so make the spell get out of here!" Mal said the spell, but Carlos didn't move again.
I know this episode is super short, but I will make it up to you guys, in my next episode, I just wanted to post a new episode for this fanfic, any ideas for the next one, cause I runout of Ideas!!!

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