"The spell of the dark fairy"

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The VK's where doing a potion with apples.

"Wicked ways beneath the skin, all who taste it now join in..." Mal said reading her spell book, She look at Carlos and then VK's start laughing.

🎶We got all the ways to be W-I-C-K-E-D, we got all the ways to be W-I-C-K-E-D!!!🎶The four villain kids took the apples up on the air.

They had a plan, they were not gonna used poison apples or taking over the kingdom, they wanted to turn everyone evil, but the four villains kids will be the leaders of the rebellion.

In the morning the guys in the room wake up confused and they didn't remember anything, Mal had put a spell on them to forget everything that happen the night before.

"My stomach hurts, I guess I had to much pizza last night" Thomas said waking up and touching his stomach.

"To much pizza? Really, hows that even possible??" Ethan ask looking at Thomas raising a eyebrow.

"What happen last night? I can't remember anything" Ben said looking at the guys with a very confused face.

"I think we get tired and we fall asleep" Kion said looking at Ben.

"That's weird, I can't remember anything about last night"Alan said raising his eyebrows.

"Me neither" Ethan said looking at Alan.

"Wicked morning guys!" Said Carlos waking up.

"Wicked?" Alan said looking at Carlos.

"Yeah, had a problem with that?" Jay said looking at Alan with a evil looking almost trying to kill him.

"Anyway, what happen last night? We can't remember anything" Thomas ask.

"We were talking and then we fall asleep" Carlos respond.

"That's weird" Ben said.

"Yeah, anyways the girls give us some apples to eat" Jay said getting off of the bed and getting some apples from the table "want one?" Jay said taking one apple and putting in front of Alan.

"Ah? No thanks" Alan said putting away the hand of Jay with the apple "oh come on, just one" Jay said turning his eyes yellow "ah, yeah...sure...why not" Alan said taking the apple a little nervous "here take one" Jay said passing on the apples "hey! Ethan" Alan whisper "what?" Ethan ask "something it's wrong with Jay, I saw Jay's eyes turn yellow that's not normal, not even for a Vk" Alan said "this is weird, first we don't remember nothing about last night, and now Jay's eyes change colors, something is going on here" Ethan whisper back to Alan "don't eat that apple" Alan whisper to Kion "why not?" Kion ask "this apples are from the daughter of the evil queen and Maleficent" Ethan whisper "right!" Kion said throwing the apple down in the floor.

"Thanks" Ben said taking the last apple "wait there's no apples left for you guys" Ben said looking at Carlos and Jay.

"It's alright, we are not hungry" Carlos respond.

"I love apples" Thomas said eating the apple.

"Oh no it's already 8:30am I had to go" Ben said getting up "where are you going" Ethan ask "I had things to do, I'm the king remember?" Ben said smiling "ah, I'm going with you" Alan said "yeah, me too!" Ethan and Kion said at the same time.

"Wait!!! where at you guys going" Jay said raising his voice "we had things to do too" Kion respond "oh, my head" Thomas said putting his hand in his head.

"Thomas are you okay?" Alan ask looking at Thomas sitting in the floor.

"You guys are not going anywhere" Jay said turning his eyes yellow.

"You better not move or I'm gonna make each one of you in to a JACKET!" Carlos said turning his eyes white, Thomas stand up, but his eyes were green.

"Carlos?" Ben said getting  close to Carlos "Ben, do not" Ethan said graving his arm.

"Okay, this is not what a prince would do" Alan said looking at Ben and Ethan "but let's run!!!" Alan said screaming and running away with the guys "let's go get them" Jay said, Thomas and Carlos follow him.

"I can't believe I'm doing this" Ethan said looking behind "I do not understand what happen with Carlos and Jay" Ben said going down stairs.

Ben, Ethan and Alan run till they get to the campus, Ben had so many questions in his head about what he saw, he didn't want to believe that his friends were evil, Mal and Evie were the ones who give them the apples, he didn't believe it, Ben didn't want to believe that Mal was evil as her Mather, because he knew since the first day he met her that she was not evil, at all.

"Ben where are you going?" Alan ask.

"I'm going to Mal's room" Ben said walking in direction to dorm rooms "Ben, you cannot go there" Alan said graving his arm  "I want to know what is going on here" Ben said looking down "Ben I know that Mal is your girlfriend and the future queen, but..." Alan said looking at Ben "do not finish that sentence" Ben said looking at him mad "guys, we are friends remember? If Ben believe that Mal isn't evil, we had to trust him, he knows Mal better than anyone" Ethan said looking at the boys.

"Surprise!" Thomas said appearing behind Ethan "look who's here" Mal said coming with Evie, Carlos and Jay.

"Mal, why are you doing this?" Ben ask looking at Mal.

"Don't ask me obviously questions Ben!" Mal said turning her eyes green.

Ben look at her with a sad looking in his eyes, something inside him was telling him that, that was not true she wasn't evil "Mal you do not have to to this" Ben said coming closer "Yes I had to" Mal said smiling, she get her book and start reading it "dark and evil wake up the wicked part inside in those peo..." She didn't finish her spell "Mal, stop!" Said Audrey running with Jane, Ally and Jordan were was Mal "this isn't you Mal, I know we are not exactly friends, but I know you more than you think and I can tell this isn't you, I can help you, that's what are friends for.." Audrey said putting her right hand in Mal's arm.

"Did you mean it" Mal said with a little smile "yes" Audrey smile back "what an idiot!" Mal said laughing "I had enough! Princesses crying in tears go sleep for one hundred years" as Mal finish her spell Audrey fell to the ground barely breathing "Audrey" the Girls yelled her name.
New episode!!!
I'm so sorry for take forever to finally updated, but here it is...
I'll updated the next episode probably on Sunday or Monday one of those days! Please comment what do you think of this episode, and if you want me to add something to this story, I'll be happy to do it.

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