"The Revenge "

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A parallax world in different places on Auradon, all the VK's and AK's were under a spell. Mal number two, the clone,​ was taking over their stories, this evil Mal was a part of Mal's weakness. There was nobody who could save them, well not exactly, a girl named Melody that live under the ocean find out about the spell that was taking over Auradon, her grandpa the king of the sea told her to not get out of the ocean or she will get stock in a fake reality. But she couldn't just stay there and do nothing she have to go there and fight because that's what's best for Auradon. What she didn't know was that she needed to stole the storybook from the evil Mal to accomplish her mission.

YOU WANT A FAIRY TALE, don't you? Well, I'm not sure I can give you that.
You can find adventure here, that much is true. There's magic, too, and murder and intrigue. And there's a girl more wicked, more ruthless, than any monster, lurking in your grimmest childhood nightmares. Her name is Evie Queen the most dangerous and scary woman of the entire kingdom.

There was a girl, named Mal, a blondie girl with purple tips. One of the most beautiful girls that anyone have ever seen. Evie was jealous of her, that type of jealousy that can turn you obsessed. Evie start with a simple move, she kill her dad and took control of his power and all his money. Evie trie to kill Mal several times but somehow she never finished the job. Evie was jealous of her but she also wanted to become like her. She look in her spell book trying to find a spell that could steal her beauty from her, and after 5 years trying to find something, reading all the pages of spells that she had in her spell book. She didn't find something that will help her, but three months later she found a magic mirror that was part of her culture of witch.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, how can I stole the beauty from Mal?" Ask the witch smiling at the mirror in front of her.

"My queen, Mal has a natural beauty, her lips red as blood, he's skin white as snow..." Evie interrupted "I don't need to tell me how beautiful she is! I need to know how to stole that beauty to make it mine!" Yelled the queen.

"My queen, you don't have to stole her beauty, you're beautiful. You just have to make her look ugly so you can be the fairest of them all" said the magic mirror making Evie smile.

Mal was cleaning the stairs like every morning, her stepmother make her do it everyday in the morning. Well at 11 at that hour that sun was hot as hell, Mal obey her even though she always end up with burns in her arms.

Mal couldn't deal with that anymore every time she start getting more work and her stepmother didn't let her clear herself(take a shower) so she was looking all dirty.

🎶If I knew what my heart was telling I don't know what I'm feeling is this just a dream oh oh yeah if only I could read the signs in front of me I could way to who I meant to be oh oh if only...if only🎶

Mal cry after she finish singing the song, her life was a complete disaster. Her dad was dead, her mom die after she was born, now she was alone in the world.

"What's the matter?" Ask a stranger man walking towards her.

"Who are you?" Ask Mal a little scared.

"I'm prince Ben" said the man grabbing her hand to kissed.

"What's your name?" Ask the prince.

"I'm Mal" answer Mal with a little blush in her cheeks.

"What a beautiful name to a beautiful girl" said Ben smiling at her.

"How did you get in here?" Ask Mal curious.

"Evie it's my ant, she invited me here" answer the prince making Mal even more nervous.

"She's my stepmother, how can someone like you could be related with her?" Ask Mal not knowing her mistake.

"What do you mean?" Ask Ben raising an eyebrow.

"Forget it" said Mal turning to face the the bourse scaring her that she almost fall.

"I got you" said Ben smiling at her and Mal in his arms was lost in his eyes.
I'm baaaaaaaackkkk!!!
After a year I'm back lol it's been like 3 moths or more I dot remember, but Hey! I'm finally writing in this story again, this was a short episode, I'm really sorry for that, but I've been busy with my other fics and with school but no worries I will try to post a new episode every time I can. I promise I would not take 4 months again just like 3 to 4 days to post new episodes for this Fic.
If you don't know I finally have Instagram, if you want to follow me this is my username @descendant.boy there I post edits from my other Fan Fiction stories and I will start posting for this one too. So if you want to know more about the story go follow me there.

I also invited you to go check it out my other Fic its called "101 Reasons Why" it's inspired in "13 Reasons Why" it's pretty dramatic so go check it out If you want to.
I love you guys and thanks for all your support.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2019 ⏰

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