"Its going down"

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Mal not only put a spell on Audrey, she put a spell on Jane, Ally, Jordan, Kion, Ethan, Alan and Ben, every spell has something to do with their story. Like for Jane, Mal make her into a statue, Ally go crazy in her mind not knowing what's real and what's not, if she was on Auradon or Wonderland, Jordan get stuck in her lap and under Jay's control, Kion turn into a lion the worst of the worst and the protector of the villains kids, Ethan turn into a fish, Alan was skinny and can't move at all, and last Ben, the one and only true love of Mal, turn into a beast her personal pet.

Auradon was a disaster, not only all the AK's were turned Wicked, some of the were curse, and the new rules were evil like no one else, Auradon was gonna be lost!!!

Well not exactly, Freddie was hiding  in the shadows, she knew perfectly how to do it, her dad teach her well, but she cannot do it alone, she need help, and she knew the right person, Uma Ursula's Daughter , Uma hate Mal because Mal did something to her when they were little.

Freddie found the ship of CJ and she go back to the isle of the Lost, she break into, she knew where to find Uma so she go, to a secret place only for the Pirates, close to the barrier.

"Hey, Pirate!" Said Freddie looking at Harry.

"You're not dead, great!" said Harry rolling his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Uma ask while she was walking through.

"What, I can't come see a old friend?" Said Freddie with a little smile.

"Funny, we have never been friends" said Uma raising a eyebrow.

"Damn girl your good!" Freddie said putting a hand in her hips" I need your help".

"I see, and what tells you that I am gonna help you?" Uma said walking around Freddie in circle.

"Because it's about Mal" Freddie said looking at Uma.

"Mal" said Uma getting lost in her mind.


"You didn't fall in!" Uma cried in relief.

"I caught a wooden rung right before I fell" said Mal with a sugary smile that suddenly turned evil. "But you're not!" She yelled, and before Uma could blink, Mal reached behind her back and dumped a huge bucket of smelly and disgusting baby shrimps all over Uma's head.

End of the Flashback

"She had take over Auradon, before you could do it" Freddie look at her with her evil smile "guess she still been better than you" she put her arm around Uma "I can still smell that smelly baby shrimps" Freddie want to manipulate Uma, she knew perfectly that story, she want her friends back, even though that Uma was going to destroy Mal, but she had to take the risk.

"Why do you need me? Isn't Mal your friend?" Uma said raising her eyebrow.

"It was but she didn't make me be part of it" said Freddie looking at Uma with her evil smile "you could take them down".

"I don't like competition, I'm going to destroyed her, and her squad" said Uma.

"What are we waiting for?" Said Freddie walking to the door.

"You know how to get out?" Gil ask.

"How do you think I get in?" Said Freddie.

"Let's go!" Said Harry running out.

"It's my turn for revenge" said Uma laughing.

Freddie and the Pirates get out of the isle of the lost, in their ship, Freddie had a deal, only Uma, Harry, and Gil could come, the others had to stay on the Isle.

Freddie and the Pirates get to Auradon, Freddie knew where to find Mal and her gang, they take over the kingdom, they go sneaking around not letting the AK's know that they weren't under Mal's spell.

"I want chocolate" said Jay "as you wish" said Jordan appearing a chocolate in Jay's hands.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all" Evie ask the mirror on the wall "me obviously!" Said playing with a pice of her hair.

"Mal what are you doing?" Carlos ask Mal who was preparing things for her spell.

"I'm going to turn all the people in the isle into rats, dirty rats that's what they all are!" Mal Said laughing.

"You should destroy them all" said Evie putting lipstick in her lips.

"They are useless!" Said Jay eating his chocolate.

"Turn them into fur!" Said Carlos open his eyes just like Cruella.

"You guys think small!"Mal yelled "it makes me think" said with a little smile "I should put them a curse just like I did to the AK's" said Mal looking at the 3 Villain Kids.

"Or you should shut your mouth!" Said Uma open the big door "Hey! miss me little Mal".

"Uma" said Mal looking at her.

"Yes, and look who's with me!" Harry, Gil and Freddie came behind her.

"Freddie! Ugh, I forgot about you" said Mal.

"Your going down" said Harry taking out his sword.

"Let's do this" said Jay getting up oh the chair.

"Brave, evil and cruel I want 4 swords for this crew" said Mal reading her spell book and appearing the swords.

"Mal it's mine!" Said Uma.

The 8 VK's start running to each other and start fighting, Uma and Mal, Evie and Freddie, Harry and Carlos, Gil and Jay, Freddie had no experience with the sword, she was terrible but she try, not enough she got kick off by Evie, Jay was better than Gil, Jay get into the new sport of Auradon that was fighting with the swords, so he got experience, Carlos wasn't that good but he had high energy, Mal and Uma, well they were pretty good at it, especially Uma all that years that she wanted to destroy Mal, she finally had the opportunity right in front of her.

"You still mad for the baby shrimps?" Said Mal laughing at her.

"That disgusting smell was stuck in my hair" Uma said trying to cut off her head "still! you didn't help me, you laugh at me!" Mal said kicking Uma in her stomach with her leg.

"We where friends!" Mal said putting the sword in Uma's neck.

"Friends don't let friends stay in the isle!" Said Uma looking at her with anger in her eyes.
Do you like the new characters???
Uma it's my favorite besides Mal and Carlos.
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Sorry that was short, but I'm planning the next episode to be more extended.
Let me know your thoughts.
New episode this Thursday!!!
🐙Uma or Mal⚔

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