"The legacy of The Evil Queen"

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Evie found out that there was rumors about her, about her mother, she feel sad because the AK's still believe that she will be like her mother and that was not true...

"What's wrong with everybody?!?!" Evie said putting her hands in the air doing a dramatic expression.

"They are just stupid" Mal said looking at her friend.

"What, what's wrong?" Carlos said looking at Mal and Evie...

"They are talking about me, only lies, everything is just made up" Evie said covering her face with her hands.

"Don't worry Evie, everything is going to be ok" Carlos said looking at Evie with a little smile trying to make her feel better.

"Yeah, and if they still talk about you, then I'm gonna punch someone in the face" Jay said showing his fist.

"Aww thanks, you guys are the best" Evie said smiling at her friends.

"Look it's the daughter of the evil queen" Chad said laughing.

"What do you want Chad?" Evie said closing her eyes.

"What I want is you to stop being fake and be who you truly are" Chad said with an angry voice.

"What are you talking about?" Ask Evie confused.

"That you spell me" Chad say looking at Evie.

Mal, Carlos and Jay got up of the table and stand for her friend, the people of the cafeteria were looking at them.

"You Better stop Chad" Mal said looking at Chad with pure anger.

"Or what? your gonna punch me? or even better your gonna turn me into a lizard " Chad said with a joker face.

"you villains are the worst" Jay was about to punch Chad in the face, but Carlos grab his arm and move his face saying no.

"What's next you little witch?" Chad said making fun of her, Everyone around her was laughing and that was it, Evie got so angry that she slap him in the face.

" you said that we are the villains of the story, but you Auradon kids act more like villains that us" Evie said looking around, Chad took out a jowl that had a curst on it, that could make that anger and sadness into something really bad. The eyes of Evie turn red, the whole people of the cafeteria see her scared, Mal, Carlos and Jay were confused, Chad was smiling, he was happy because he got what he wanted.

"Mirror, mirror in my hand, who's the most beautiful in the land?" Ask Evie her mirror and the mirror show her a picture of herself.

"hahah! Always" she look at the scared students "boo!" And as easy as that everyone run away.

"Evie what it's wrong with you?" Mal ask worried.

"I open my eyes. I realized that it's better to be evil than good, cause when you are evil you can get everything you want whenever you want" Evie said with a evil smile on her face and Evie just left, her friends were so confused for what they just saw, something on her change.

"What's wrong with her?" Carlos ask as confused as the other two.

"I think she go back to be wicked" Mal responded.

The VK's stay there thinking about what they just saw trying to figure what was happening, but everything just didn't make any sense. Evie went to he museum, she was looking for something, the book of her mother, the one she used to turn herself into a old lady. She found the book and she took it, that was it, she was about be the next Evil Queen.

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