"The kiss"

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Lonnie and Chad runaway like little girls, Jay took Carlos to his room, and Mal put her nose in the spell book, she was like crazy, looking for every single page to find a spell to wake up Carlos, because of the incident in the cafeteria, everyone runaway or just hide from the villains, the AK's were scared of that villain kids, the rumers came to the King Ben, the fairy-godmother freak out when she hear about it, especially because was Evie the one who did it, a villain.

"I don't get it!" Jay said placing Carlos in the bed.

"I tried all the spells on this book and still nothing works!" Mal scream while she threw the book away.

"Why is Evie doing this?" Jay whispers.

"I don't know, but we are gonna find out what is wrong with her, and everything is gonna be just fine, don't worry" Mal said touching Jay's arm.

"What about Carlos?" Jay ask with a cracked voice.

Mal look at Carlos sleeping in the bed, and she wonder what was gonna happen with him, when someone nock the door, Mal didn't answer Jay's question, and she go open the door.

"Hey! Mal, I need to talk with you guys..." Ben said.

"It's for what happen, we don't...." Mal didn't finish her sentence, she was interrupt by Ben "it's ok, I know that something is wrong, because Evie would never do that, right" he smile at her.

"Right! But I'm just confused I don't know what happen..." Mal said looking at the floor.

"I know you are gonna find a solution, you always do" Ben said taking her cheek, and looking at her in the eyes.

"I don't think this time I could find one.." Mal said with a sad tune.

"There's always one" Ben said putting in Mal's face a smile.

Jay came to the door "Ben do you think there's another solution to break a spell without magic?" Jay ask.

"Well, depends of what kind of spell it is" Ben said "why?"

"Carlos have a spell, it's a sleep spell" Mal said "came in"

"A true love kiss" Ben said looking at Carlos in the bed.

"Like the spell that my mother put in sleeping beauty?" Mal said looking at Ben.

"Yeah, for the spell of  forever sleep, it always break with a true love kiss..." Ben said looking at Mal and Jay.

"But Carlos don't even have a girlfriend" Mal said with a worry face.

"That could be a problem" Ben said "but, Carlos is like your brother right?"

"Yeah" Mal answer "and you love him right?" Ben said.

"Yeah, he is the little brother that I never have" Mal said.

"So if you kiss Carlos, he could probably wake up" Ben said looking at Mal, Mal came close to Carlos and she kiss him in his cheek, but Carlos didn't wake up.

"Now what are we gonna do?" Mal said with a worry face.

"It's gonna be ok Mal we are gonna find another way" Ben said hugging her.

"True love kiss" Jay whisper, then he came close to the bed, took Carlos face, and he kiss him in his lips, a sweet kiss as no other.

"Jay" Carlos open his eyes.

Jay smile at him, and he grabbed him in his arms, Mal and Ben look back, and saw Carlos that was awake.

"Carlos!" Mal and Ben said at the same time.

"What happen?" Carlos said "I don't remember anything "it's a long story"Jay said.

"How do he wake up?" Mal ask.

"It doesn't matter, what matters it's that he is not under a spell" Jay said.

"Oh yeah, I remember now" Carlos said looking at his hands.

"It's okay Carlos, we are together now" Jay said grabbing his hand, Carlos smile at him, Mal and Ben just were quiet seeing the moment.
"Do you need a partner?" CJ Ask.

"More like a sidekick, but sure" Evie answer.

"I need you to go and took the other jewels for me" Evie said.

"I see, and why do you need those jewels anyway?" CJ ask.

"Those jewels are gonna turn bad Mal, Jay, and Carlos" Evie said.

"Wicked, I like it" CJ said with a little smile in her face "and where do I found them" CJ Ask Evie.

"Mirror, mirror in my hand show me where are our jewels in this land" Evie ask the mirror in her hand.

"In the museum" Evie said.

"Perfect! I know exactly where is at" CJ said.

"It's time to be rotten to the core again" Evie said looking at CJ.

"You know it" CJ laugh with Evie, those two were in something big something that would destroyed Auradon....
The part where Mal kiss Carlos in his cheek, I make a parody from the movie Maleficent when Maleficent kiss Aurora j. Her cheek to wake her up.

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