"Once upon a time"

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"Once upon a time two parents a king and queen make a party for her daughter that was born to celebrated the happiness they were feeling, all the people was invited to the party except Maleficent the most dangerous fairy of the entire kingdom. Two of the three fairies give the princes one gift each one but when the third fairy was about to give Mal one last gift, Maleficent appear to put a spell in her, in her 16 birthday she will be forever sleep by eating an strawberry. After she put her spell she disappear but not everything was lost, the last fairy give her the gift to make everyone who see her fall in love with her by her sweetness and kindness"

Mal live in the woods her entire life, she was sick of living in the woods without knowing the real world. But one day she meet Carlos a boy who was 2 years older than her with who she was always playing. He was her Bestfriend but her aunts didn't know about him Evie the blue fairy, Audrey the pink fairy and Lonnie the green fairy each one have the power to manipulate things from the woods with her magic Evie for example she could control the water, Audrey the flowers and Lonnie the trees. Carlos have the power to transform himself into a dog of the forest pretty unusual, he told Mal that he was part of the magic forest that was in the other side of the woods, Mal always wanted to go there but she couldn't go because her ants will not approve it.

"You're up for a run competition?" Said Carlos smiling at Mal.

"No, not really" said Mal laying down in the grass.

"Are you okay? you seem sad" said Carlos laying next to Mal.

"I want to go to the magic fairest but my ants would not give me they permission for that" said Mal closing her eyes "and I always had that dream to go there" said Mal opening her eyes.

"Then go" said Carlos turning his head to see Mal "I can't" said Mal turning her head to face Carlos "you don't have to tell your ants" said Carlos winking an eye at her "what do you mean?" Ask Mal raising an eyebrow "you can go there with me of course and we can come back before your aunts make breakfast" said Carlos smiling at her "it could work" said Mal getting up "I will finally see the magic forest!" Said Mal getting exited and jumping "yeah, but we will go tomorrow" said Carlos "at 7:00am" said Mal smiling and taking Carlos hands to jump with him in circles.

The Next Day:

Mal jump off from her window to go meet Carlos in the center of the woods. "I though you wouldn't come it's 7:23" said Carlos crushing his arms "calm down Carlos I'm late just for 23 minutes, now lest go" said Mal grabbing Carlos arm.

All the way to the forest Mal and Carlos were telling each other jokes and making funny faces. When they finally get there Mal couldn't believe it everything was just as she picture it. Little Fairies where flying in the trees and magical creatures where I'm all the forest Mal didn't lost time and run to see everything with her own eyes. She was happy to finally see everything and talk to the magical creatures when a boy with blue eyes came to her in his horse "hello! there, I'm kinda lost in my way to the kingdom. Do you know how to get there?" Ask Ben smiling at Mal.

"Of course, take this way. It will take you to the kingdom" said Mal showing him the way to the kingdom.

"Thank you, what's your name?" Ask Ben looking at the girl.

"I'm Mal" Mal look at Ben smiling.

"I'm Ben nice to meet you" said Ben smiling too.

"I'm Carlos, Her Bestfriend" said Carlos appearing in the middle between them. Carlos sometimes could be like a big brother to Mal and so overprotected "it's okay C" said Mal putting a hand around his neck "you both seem too closed" said Ben looking at both of them "yeah, he's like my big brother" said Mal looking at Carlos and looking back to Ben "well I hope to see you again soon" said Ben smiling at Mal "you will" said Mal smiling "of course you will" whisper Carlos.

"Anyway I got to go" said Ben cutting a flower to give it to Mal "see you soon Bennyboo" said Mal making Ben laugh "Bennyboo?" Ask Carlos turning his head to see Mal after Ben left "I don't know" said Mal looking at Ben left and thinking about why she called him Bennyboo. What Mal didn't know was that she was living another story. The story of the sleeping beauty Audrey's mother.

"Aunt Evie, aunt Audrey and aunt Lonnie you know that I will turn 16 tomorrow and for my 16th birthday I want to go live with my friend in the magic forest" said Mal getting exited "what?" Said the three of them "my friend Carlos invited me to go live with him, he's a magical creature of the magic forest" said Mal "you cannot go live there, there's a lot of strawberries in there" said Audrey "strawberries? I love strawberries" Audrey get mad "I didn't accept to live here for 16 years to let you go to the magic forest and eat a strawberry to die!" Said Audrey putting a hand in her mouth "what?" Ask Mal "you're the daughter of the Queen and King but a dark fairy put a spell on you" said Evie putting a hand in Mal's shoulder "I can't believe you lie to me" said Mal running out to the woods "Mal stop came back" said Lonnie.

Mal run to the woods and went to the magic forest, she met Carlos there. Mal eat an strawberry and die that day leaving a sad friend crying to the moon every night, leaving a prince that fall in love with her since they meet.
The Maleficent movie inspire me to write this episode but I make some changes.
This isn't the end of the story there's more.
Why is Mal living the story of sleeping beauty???
That's something that you will find out soon.

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