"Red apple"

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"You took everything you wanted leaving me nothing" said Uma getting up.

"What? do you want an apologized?" said Mal turning her eyes green.

"No, I want you down!" said Uma grabbing her sword.

"Bring it on!" said Mal.

The two girls start fighting with the swords but one thing was true, Mal was better than Uma in everything. She not only can fight with swords she can fight her just with her two hands and nothing else.

"Give up Uma your pirate gang is already down" speak Evie taking out her mirror.

"The darkness it's part of me!" Scream Freddie while a shadow come take her and Uma disappearing.

"What?" Scream Mal "E. Mirror me."

"Mirror, mirror in my hand show me where it's Uma at this land" ask Evie her mirror but the mirror didn't show anything.

"Ugh! Wicked ways on our blood show me where's Uma in Auradon?" Said Mal but her spell didn't work ether.

"What's the matter?" Ask Carlos.

"Those two are hidden with black magic" respond Mal.
"Where are we?" Ask Uma looking around.

"CJ's ship" said Freddie taking off her necklace.

"She's gonna find us you know that!" said Uma looking from the window.

"No she's not. This necklace it's from the isle of the lost my dad told me if I have it on me nobody could know where we at or if we still alive" said Freddie looking at the necklace.

"We need a plan to take her down" said Uma looking at Auradon from the window.

"We need everyone get back to normal again" said Freddie grabbing her arm.

"Maybe we are not clear! I came here to take her down, to destroy her and her pathetic squad" said Uma pulling her away.

"Are we starting a fight or what?" Said CJ getting down from the wall.

"Seriously how do you do that?!" Said Freddie looking at CJ.

"It's CJ Freddie duh!" Said Uma rolling her eyes.

"I want them to get back to normal too" said CJ looking at the two girls.

"Why? You help them, you make them evil again" said Freddie raising a eyebrow.

"I know but they take me away from the plan and I'm they didn't care about me" said CJ putting a serious face.

"That's your fault" said Freddie looking at CJ.

"Maybe. But I find something that it could helps us" said CJ grabbing a purse.

"What?" Said Uma looking at the purse.

"This!" Said CJ showing them a red apple red like blood.

"A apple, seriously!" said Uma tooling her eyes.

"It's not a normal Apple" said CJ "of course not it's a magic Apple" said Freddie "I hear that if you take a bite and make a whisk it would come true" said Freddie going to take the apple but Uma get between them two.

"I'm not gonna let you take this apple!" Said Uma.

"Why not?" Ask Freddie putting her hands up.

"It's my moment to take her down once and for all" said Uma smiling a evil smile.

Uma took the apple away from CJ "it's not time for revenge Uma!" Said Freddie "you promise me revenge" said Uma looking at the apple "don't do it Uma there's only one wish!" Said CJ getting close to her.

"Too late" said Uma about to eat it but CJ took it.

"I don't think so!" Said CJ smiling at her. Uma kick her down.

"I know you hate her for what she did to you but it wasn't her fault it was yours" said Freddie.

"You don't know anything!" Said Uma.

"Of course I do." Said Freddie looking at her "you didn't try to safe her you laughs at her!" Scream Freddie.

"We are villains that's what we do!" Said Uma.

"You two were friends!" Said Freddie "true friends not only villains, you two make mistakes but it's not too late to apologize.

The wicked apple red as blood, shiny as a diamond and  magical as nothing else. Everyone say that if you eat the red apple, the Apple give you one wish. Before you take a bite make your wish and it would came true. Uma think twice she finally had the opportunity to take over Auradon to destroy Mal and became the queen not her. But also she had the opportunity to safe Auradon and Mal. Uma took the apple and close her eyes.

"I wish..." Said Uma.

"Be careful this is a hard decision" said Freddy looking towards her.

"Shut! I know." Speak Uma looking at Freddie.

"Just don't let your anger control you, you have the choice to stay here and live with us." Said Freddy.

Uma turn around and close her eyes again "I wish..."


"Help! Help me!" Mal screamed, as she attempted to grasp the wooden rails while she sped toward the sea. "I can't swim!"

"Hahahahah" Uma laugh.

End of flashback

"I wish.......that.....everyone....in Auradon....get back to normal" said Uma while she took a bite of the red apple.

A shine green light took over Auradon turning everyone back to normal. Mal and her friends didn't understand what was happening they didn't remember anything.

"You make the right choice Uma" Freddie tap her shoulder

"In the mean time I'm the responsible of what happen between Mal and me, I was the one who laugh at her and didn't try to safe her, the one who didn't try to make the things right" said Uma.

This isn't  the end of the story this its just the begging.
I'm back!!!! I'm so sorry for take so long...I was busy at school & all of the stuff. I'm sorry too that this its a short episode. The next one it's gonna be more longer I promise!
What did you think of Uma's choice?
Mal & Uma are gonna be friends again?
What's gonna happen with the pirate gang?

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