"This isn't me"

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"Everything is my fault" Chad said touching his head with his right hand.

"Chad your so dramatic, how it could be your fault?" Lonnie ask.

"W-well amm, I...I" Chad said looking at his friends.

"You what?" Doug Ask raising a eyebrow.

"I stole Evie's jewel from the museum, haha Yeah" Chad said looking to the other side nervous.

"You what?!?!" Lonnie said open her mouth in a surprise expression.

"Wait, what does this had to be with Evie's wickedness" Doug ask Chad.

"You stole something!!! how???" Lonnie ask, opening her eyes and putting her two arms up, in a dramatic position.

"Really Lonnie, that's the only question that you had?" Doug said.

"Sorry" Lonnie said putting her arms down with a little smile.

"I think the jewels have a spell or something that makes their owners evil" Chad said with a stupid face.

"How do you figure that out?" Doug said with a surprise face.

"I don't even know, damn I'm smart" Chad said with his charming smile.

"Yeah, right" Lonnie said rolling her eyes.

"Anyway, we had to tell the others, maybe they could help her" Doug said.

"That's a good idea" Lonnie said.

"Yeah, and everything it's gonna be back to normal" Doug said with a little smile.

"But I'm gonna be the only responsible of all this" Chad said touching his head with his two hands.

"Your such a drama queen" Lonnie said laughing.

"Let's go" Doug said living the room, Chad and Lonnie were following him.

"I had to do something" Mal said looking at the wall.

"Auradon is about to be..." Carlos said not finish his sentence.

"Destroy" Jay finish Carlos sentence.

"No it's not, Evie it could be evil again, but it's our friend and we are gonna help her came back" Ben said standing in front of his friends that were siting in the bed, lost in their minds.

"I feel like....I don't know her anymore" Carlos said looking down at his hands.

"She put a spell on Chad, Lonnie and Carlos" Jay said looking at ben's eyes.

"Guys, Stop! Ben is right, Evie is our friend and we know her since we were little kids, something happen to her, she's not like this and not even for that stupid jewel" Mal said standing up and looking at her friends.

"Wait, the jewel, that's it!" Carlos said finally looking at Mal.

"What?" Jay and Ben ask.

"The jewel must had to have a spell on it" Carlos said opening his two eyes in a surprise expression "that's why she's acting weird" Doug nock the door several times, Ben open the door.

"Doug what's wrong" Ben ask.

"We know why is Evie wicked again" Doug was a little excited "it's because of the jewel that she found, it had a spell on it that makes the owner evil, it must be a spell that The Evil Queen put in the jewel"

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