Chapter 8

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My room is now crowded, and I've given up my bed for the nice cold floor. I actually don't mind it, I prefer the floor than a bed. I'm soon flooded with question from everybody. How school was, if I made any friends, if I have good classes and teachers, and other ones. I give a few word responses, becoming irritated. So, I change the subject to my cousins. "Well, Mom is going to be in a coma for awhile. The cause is still being figured out, they don't really know why." Olivia says. I nod, careful with my actions, I'm not trying to make them cry all over again. Victoria stays quiet, showing no emotion. Her and her mom never had a relationship, but I do know where she's coming from though. My Mom tells them to relax while I help her with dinner. My step-dad goes to lay down with my little brother. My Mom and I never talk really, it either turns into an argument or a conversation trying to convince me to be straight. I told her to give up but she won't listen. She's still in denial. For dinner, we have the famous Arroz  Con Pollo with my friend's Horchata. Yep, my friend Melissa hooks me up. As I'm cooking the rice, I can feel my Mom's eyes burning into the side of my face. "What do you want to say Mom?" I ask, already knowing what she's going to say. "Nothing, what are you talking about?" she says. "I can feel you staring at me." I reply. "What, I can't look at you?" she shoots back. "Nevermind." I say. Before she can start another fight, my phone starts to ring. I look at her for permission to answer it and she nods her head.

"Hello?" I ask, curious of who this is. "Hey." a familiar voice says. "Jaime, what are you doing calling me?" I ask. "What, are you busy? I can go." he offers. "No. Please don't. I don't want to deal with my Mom anymore." I say quietly so she wouldn't hear. "Why, what's up?" he asks concerned. "Nothing, it's just we can't a conversation anymore without fighting." I say. "Well that's another thing in common." he says sadly. "Yea I know, I feel you." I agree. "Do you want me to come over?" he asks. "Are you crazy! My step-dad will kill you." I shout. "What's the matter Destiny?" my Mom asks. I forgot I was still in the kitchen. "Nothing, it's okay." I say, brushing it off. "Oooohhh, you have overprotective parents huh." he says before laughing. "Shut up." I say. He laughs. "Well I'm coming over anyways. What are you having for dinner?" he asks casually. "YOU ARE NOT COMING OVER UNLESS YOU WANT TO DIE FROM A SHOTGUN BULLET TO THE HEAD!" I say, trying to convince to stay at home. "OOOO I'm so scared. Please, I've gotten that a lot, and I'm still breathing" he says with cockiness. "Destiny, who's coming over? Is it a boy or a girl?" she asks. "Why would it matter? If it's a girl you would say np, if it's a guy Dad would say no." I argue, "It's pointless." I add. "No, if it's a guy, he can I don't care what your Dad says." she spits back. "HA, see I told you. So, what's for dinner?, or do I need to bring food." Jaime says. "I'm making Arroz Con Pollo with Horchata." I say excitedly. Don't judge, it's my most favorite meal. He laughs, "Cool, I'll be there in a few minutes." "Okay, bye." I say. "Bye" and I hang up. My Mom runs over to my Dad to give the good news. He doesn't like it but what my Mom says goes. My cousins get excited and tease me saying Jaime is my boyfriend. We'll see.

My phone vibrates, "Am I dressing up?" Jaime asks.

"If you want,  my Mom's excited, she hopes I can go straight lol." I reply with a smile. Why am I smiling?

"In that case, I'm dressing up ;)" he sends.

"Fine, I guess I will too." I send.

"Yay! I get to see you look like a girl." he teases.

I don't respond, pretending to be angry. What will I wear?

(Few minutes later)

The doorbell rings, and everybody shoots up to see what he looks like. My Mom rushes to the door, along with my step-dad and my cousins. I hear him say, "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Acuna. My name's Jaime, I'm Destiny's friend." and shakes my Dad's hand. Everyone melts for him, and I laugh to myself and shake my head. My Mom told him that the last name was changed, and to just say Dorie and Mike. Jaime nods in understanding and out eyes meet. His face is showing, what, shock? And I immediately look down, looking for something stupid on me for his expression. "What's the matter?" I ask. He walks over to me and lifts up my face with his hand under my chin. "Nothing, you just look beautiful." he says smoothly. He knows what he does to me. I blush and look down. "You look handsome." I say back. He smirks and I die on the inside.

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