Chapter 19

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Hey guys um thank you for reading and comment lol I'm slowly running out of ideas. I'm working on another book so yea, thanks for the support! BYEEE!!!

I don't even know how to respond. I signal him to put down the food and open his arms so that way I can jump over these thorns. he does so and I jump onto him. I start to cry and tell him thank you over and over again. What a great way to wake up. Sadly, we have to head home today, so we pack up. I get a ribbon and tie all the roses together into a HUGE bouquet and hold it. We eat together and call everyone to meet in the lobby. As I stand I have a headache from last night. At least I'm not that hung over. Everyone pitches in the bill and I have Vic drive because everyone else is messed up from last night. On the way home, I felt as though something bad will happen. I kept looking around and cuddling into Jaime. He kept asking me what was wrong, but I didn't know the answer. Finally, everyone realized what was wrong...

I heard sirens, but I couldn't open my eyes. There was a white sky, but I wanted to stay on the hot road. I was hearing medical terms all around me. "Don't move him, he might have a spinal problem. On 3, we lift, but don't cause paralysis. 1-2-3", and I heard wheels push away. I heard Vic screaming bloody murder, "MIKEYYYYY, BABY WAKE UP! MIKE, MIKEY, BABE BE ALIVE. OPEN YOUR EYES PLEASE JUST LOOK AT ME!" I try to turn my head, but I can't. I'm getting frustrated. Why can't I move. I wanted to comfort Vic and tell him that whatever it is, it's gonna be okay. I heard a sharp breath next to me, followed by spluttering. I have a warmness in my mouth, and realize I'm the one having trouble breathing and choking on what, blood? My eyes shoot open, and I see nothing but the white sky, covered by smoke and fire. I'm freaking out. I see Olivia come to my rescue, but she's bleeding. I see her crying, trying to save me. "DESTINY! CAN YOU HEAR ME! Okay, okay, it's gonna be okay.....oh god....someone please help! HELP!" I try to tell her that I'm fine, but I coughed up more blood and my vision was darkening. I look over and I see Vic cradling Mike's head, sobbing. I see Jaime being put in an ambulance, along with Victoria and Tony being put in the same one. I try to sit up to get to my love, but I feel an excruciating pain in my sides. I hear cracking and I flop back down. I scream, only to choke myself with blood again. Olivia holds me down, "Don't move ok? Just relax." Just relax! My boyfriend is unconscious in an ambulance that's driving away. I sit up again, yet only whatever broke rip open my lung. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I gasp for air and a medical team comes to my aid. "Okay, she's having gasps, get ready for CPR. Lift on 3, 1-2-3." And I'm on a stretcher. A blue mask is helping me breathe, and I start to calm down. "Her heart rate is decreasing, she's losing a lot of blood. Putting in IV." A needle is stuck into my arm. The lady barking orders leans up to my ear and says, "Please live, your fiancé asked for you before he passed out. Live for him, live for you, please fight for life..." and she pulls away. Fiancé? Oh, she mistaken the ring. Oh well, we'll be there someday... someday.... I feel compressions on my chest and I rip away from reality...

I come in and out. "We're losing her...get...15 to 30... 5....12....okay c'mon live please live..." I can only hear portions of what's happening. I hear a voice, "come to heaven. Follow us..." and I scream. "LEAVE ME ALONE! LEAVE ME HERE! I CAN'T LEAVE!" then I'm back. "Okay we got her back, stay alert." says the lady. She says, "Good job, keep fighting Destiny."

I see light after light under my eyelids. I'm being rolled somewhere, where am I going? I hear doors open and I have a mask put over my face. After that, I don't know what happened...

A few hours later...

I hear a beeping of a machine, it's going with my heart. I also hear my breathing pattern, I have a plastic tube in my nose and down my throat. I'm connected to wires and I still can't open my eyes. The door opens, and it's the doctor and the ambulance lady. "We contacted her family, they are on their way here. Her condition is stable for right now, but we still have to be alert for her. Her fiancé is alive, but he's also under critical care. Her friends and cousins are okay, they only have scratches and minor injuries. Mike on the other hand might not make it. His heart keeps failing. So pray for them." says a male. "Thank you Dr. Castro." and the door opens again. The lady comes up to me, and holds my hand. She says, "My name is Emily. I'm here to keep you alive. I know that you heard all of that news. I'm soo sorry for your friend Mike. He'll make it I promise you. I will make sure of it..." her voice shook, meaning she was crying. "I saved your bouquet of roses, they are in a vase right next to you. You're fiancé is okay, and so are the rest of your friends and family. Your parents are on their way. Don't stress, okay? Your heart rate is high. Just fight, keep that thing beating. I'll never leave your side, only to check on your friends, okay?" For some reason I felt safe. I heard the door open, and a wail of pain and despair. My Mom... Mom don't cry, I'm okay. Ask Emily, I'm okay. Emily guided them outside and broke the news. I heard crying from outside, then I fell asleep.

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