Chapter 49

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Hey guys! The story only get sad from here so I am really sorry. I'm going to go.

I wake up and I have a bad feeling. When I open my door, I here yelling and stuff. I run downstairs and Oli and Olivia are arguing. "Well what else could it mean?" Olivia says. "I don't know. CC told us to watch you so this is what he meant." I flinch at his name but I go up to them. "Hey, please stop yelling because it's not good for Olivia and the baby. And second, what's going on?" Oliver shows me this note. It read...

"I got one out of the way, now I have two more. I'm coming for you.."

I stare at it and I freak out. This is the person who killed the love of my life. This is the person that is after my family. I tear it up and I look outside, there's no one out there. I lock the doors, windows, and everything that can let them in. I think of people that could try to take my baby. Or maybe they don't want my baby, maybe they want it dead. I cringe at someone murdering him. I share a worried look with them and Oliver says, "Destiny, we got to kick some ass." I nod and we sit at the table, listing down names that could be a possibility. "How about Jaime?" Oliver asks. I shake my head, "No. he made mends with us at the party." I said. Olivia shakes her head, "Dude, he could be lying. And he called saying to "watch out" right?" I nod. That son of a bitch, I swear to god. I grab my keys, "Oli let's go. We're beating his ass." He nods and Olivia says, "Wait this is what he wants. For us to split up and leave me alone. He's after the baby not any one else." We nod and sit back down.

How else can we lure him in? I have an idea. I get my phone and call him. "Hello?" He asks. "Hey, I need to talk to you. Can we go out today?" I ask. He hesitates, "Sure! Meet my at the mall in 30?" He asks. I agree and I shower and get dressed. I drive to the mall and I walk inside. He sent me a text, "Meet me by the movie theater." I walk over there and I see him dressed up. I smile at how well he looks. "Hey! Woah...are you alright?" He asks. I nod and say, "Yeah why?" He gives me a serious look. "What happened?" I tell him everything and he hugs me. "I am so sorry that this happened to you. And it must be torture that you lost CC. Since he left his family behind. That sucks man." I nod. For some reason he's really caring right now. Seems a little suspicious.

We eat and he takes me to his place. "Why am I here?" I ask. He looks at me confusingly. "Do you want to be somewhere else?" He asks. "No, I just find it suspicious that you bring Me here whenever you killed my husband. I know you sent that note. And it's really fucked up that you crashed into him. Just because he has what you don't doesn't mean you should kill everyone in your way. I swear I will beat your ass..." I say. His head snaps up to me and he power walks towards me. "What proof do you have that I did it?" He asks. "Well, how you're so defensive over it and that you're the only person that told me to watch myself. Also, you hate CC and I so..." I say. He punches me.

I smile, "See? You're proving my point." He growls in anger and punches me over and over. He kicks my stomach and says, "I hope your baby lives through this." He kick me over and over and he picks me up off the floor. He knees me and I wince in pain. I won't show him any weakness. I whisper something and he stops, "What did you say?" I smile. "I said, I don't have the baby." He looks at me with confusion. "I thought you were pregnant?" He says. "I was, but I gave it away. So... fuck you!" I get taken over by rage from him killing CC and I become strong. I kick his groin and he drops me. I get on top of him and I swing over and over again. He can't see from blood in his eyes and he had a broken nose. I grab his hair and hit his head against the ground. I start crying as grief overcomes me. I stop and he's unconscious. I check for a pulse and he's still alive. I call Oliver.


"Hello?" He asks. "It was Jaime, and I beat him into a pulp. We should have nothing to worry about now." I say. "Do you need a ride?" He asks. "No I'm on my way home." He says, "Okay well I'll see you soon." And he hangs up. I leave a note for Jaime saying, "Fuck with us again, and my crazy ass is after YOU!" I leave his house and I go home.

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