Chapter 46

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Hey guys I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do. So please forgive me lol. I love you!

I go to sleep, knowing something wasn't right. I kept feeling excruciating pains that would make me not move and would make me want to scream in pain, but I didn't. I took it. There was another pain and I felt something wet on the bed. I turn on the light and I scream. I look down and there's a puddle of blood. This is not right. "Babe...babe please wake up. Baby please wake up." I'm crying because I can't lose this baby. He stirs and asks, "What's? Oh my god, c'mon let's go to the hospital." I let out a piercing scream and CC picks me up. "Sshhh, it's okay babe. Pull through this...c' keep the baby alive." He crying now, he's worried just like me. We go in the car and he speeds off to the hospital. Luckily there's one right by our house. CC carries my and shouts for help. Nurses put me on a bed and they have CC run with them.


"Sir what's her name?" They ask. I stare at my dying wife. "Sir! We need her info now!" They say. "Sorry...uh her name is Destiny Acuna, and she's 1 month in her pregnancy." They nod and say, "Thank you, we'll take good care of her I promise." One says. A guy says, "I know this hurts but you can't cry or scream, your muscles clenching hurts the baby. Okay?" She nods but holds in any scream she has. He checks her stomach and says, "They baby is alive but you need to take it out now." She stops and looks at him, "I'm not aborting it. It's mine, he's mine, you can't take him away from me, he'll die..." She says, she's about to cry. "I know ma'am, but the baby is killing you, you're too skinny and malnourished to keep it inside you." He says. "Fine, I'll die..." She says. I jump in, "What? No you're staying here! With me! Okay? You're not going anywhere.." I say, my heart broke into a million pieces. "Is there a way to keep them both?" I ask. He nods, "Yes, we can call a trusted female of you guys, take the baby out of Destiny, and insert the baby into the other female. Destiny will live and the baby will be born normally after full development. Then you guys have the baby and live life." He says. She shakes her head, "This baby is mine! It's not leaving my body!" She screams. She winced in pain from screaming. "I understand your point, but it's either die after 3 days or kill your baby. Unless you go with my plan and you both live for many years together, as a family." He says. I look at her and she looks at me, her eyes full of pain. "Destiny, please live for for the baby. He needs his mom too..." I say and a tear escapes. She wipes them with her frail hands and nods. The doctor says, "Great, you have until... 6 hours until we have to remove the baby, alright?" We both nod and they leave. "Babe, can you hand phone please." She says while she refrain from screaming or crying. I nod and I hand her the phone. "Who should I call? Juliet doesn't really...ow, ow, ow...know me, about Victoria?" She asks me. "Sure, you can trust family." I say. She nods and call her.



"Hello..?" Victoria says sleepily. "Hey, can you and everyone come down to the hospital, I might not make it this time...ow....yeah and I need to ask you something." She agrees and hangs up. I wait a while for someone to get here. I look at my phone, I have 5 hours. Victoria runs through the door and she doesn't touch me, afraid to hurt me. "I know this is sudden, but will you take my baby?" I ask. She stares at me and says, "Are you kidding me?" I shake my head. "If I keep it, I die, if they remove it from surgery, they'll put it inside you, and you can keep him alive for 8 months, and give birth to him for me. Do you want to? It'll mean so much to me if you took care of him for me?" She sits down and watches me for a few seconds. I wince in pain and I bleed more, "Victoria, i have 5 hours with him, so you have to think fast. And I'm getting closer to death every second." She stares at me helplessly, "I can't handle a kid! I just can't! Tony and I are going through stuff and we can't handle a baby okay? I'm sorry but I can't do it!" She explodes. She goes to leave and I say, "Wait can you think about it!" She says, "No. I'm sorry..." And she leaves. I stress out and my stomach clenches. I scream and I breathe. I look out the window and I see CC staring at me. Tony gives me a long and he says, "I'm so sorry, I would take it for you if I could... if you don't make it, I love you." He says. "I love you too man, hey take care of her for me?" He nods and cries. Victoria looks at me one last time before crying and leaving. CC comes in and I say, "No one's going to take him, and either me or him are done." And CC says, "Well, it's him. We can try again, but if there's no you, there's no him, no me." I nod and I hold in my tears. I want to cry so badly, but I can't.

Olivia gets here and she comes on my room. "Oh Destiny...are you okay?" I shake my head and she sits down, making me lose blood. It's now 4 hours. I sigh and Olivia says, "Talk to me..." Oliver and CC leave. "Well I'm not malnourished to keep the baby, so they want to abort it. I told them no and they said, "Either that or die." So I chose death, but CC got mad at me. They said I can pick someone I trust to carry the baby for me, by doing surgery to take it out, and do a surgery on the other person to put it in. They carry it and give birth to it and it's mine. But I have 4 hours left until they take it out, and so far, one person said no. So I'm begging you, pleaseee, take my baby. You don't have to do anything, just hold him for 8 months. Please?" I beg. She considers it, "Let me talk to Oli." CC comes and and Olivia goes out.

Oliver's POV

I see her and Destiny talking, and the container is filling up with blood. That's not good. Destiny begs her of something Olivia comes out. CC leaves and Olivia says, "This is really crazy." "Why?" I ask. She explains to me what happened and I lean on the wall. "I think we should..." I say. "Really? Are you ready for that commitment? I mean we are going to carry HER baby." She says. "I know, but look how desperately she wants her baby to live. If you were in this position, would you want her to take your baby? I wouldn't want to lose either of you too so, I think we should. But it's up to you, you're the one carrying it." She stops, "I wanna help, but it's a lot to process..." She says. "Look! Come here!" I say. We watch Destiny and CC sing to the baby, and talk to it. She cries and CC hugs her. "I'm in, I'll do it." Olivia says. "Are you positive, once they for the surger, there's no reverse." I say. She nods. I agree and we both walk in the room. Destiny looks at us hopefully and we tell her our answer. She cries of joy and blood pours out of her. The doctor changes the container and Destiny collaspes.

The doctors rush us out of the room and CC says, "I gotta drive, I can't to this anymore.." "Wait CC! She's gonna cone back man, give her a second." I call after him. He shakes his head, "She's dead Oliver, get over it." We wait and as soon as she leaves, she is revived. "Guys the surgery starts in 10." The doctor says.


I drive, and drive and drive. The tears haven't hit me yet, but they're almost there. I'm nothing without her, she chose the child over me. I could never hold it in my life, it killed her. I drive faster and faster out of rage, and I flip. Ringing is in my ears and I hear screeching. Another car flips too, my vision blacks out...

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