Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

So yes, Dimitri, my sexy Russian g....

The bed dipped suddenly breaking me from my revelry. "Happy Birthday Milaya" and I felt butterfly kisses down my neck and back.

I smiled and turned my head to see the handsome face of my Comrade. He had just finished a shift and looking at my bedside clock it read 1pm.

"Hope you are ready to go. We need to set off soon" he said.

I would normally complain if someone woke me up at this time, which is basically the middle of the night Moroi time, but today was different, we had a schedule to keep. I rolled over, gave him a kiss, pulled back the covers and got out of bed.

"Not so fast milaya" Dimitri's arms catching me around the waist "We have time for a better kiss than that" he pouted, and my Russian god pouting was very cute indeed. I teased him for a little longer and then pressed my lips to his. We got lost in that kiss, pouring out all our feelings. I was the one that broke it this time, which is unheard of.

"Woah Comrade, if we don't stop, we will never get out of here." He pouted again but released me so I could get dressed.

To everyone but Alberta, we were going on a training exercise, sleeping rough and using survival skills. The reality was far from it. However, to keep with the rouse, we were dressed in guardian combat/survival gear, as we made our way outside to the SUV. We had just put our duffles in the back when we heard the last voice we ever wanted to hear today: Kirova.

"Ah Guardian Belikov, I'm glad I caught you. I thought some other novices could benefit from this training. Could you hold up until they arrive?" She simpered. Then she grinned at me as if she was pleased that she was causing this disruption, even if she didn't know what she was disrupting.

Dimitri and I looked at each other with a momentary spark of fear until we saw who the two novices were; Eddie and Mason. We both let out a sigh of relief but quiet enough to escape the ears of Kirova.

"Hi guys, you coming with us today? Hope you are ready for this. Guardian Belikov can be a very hard task master" trying to act as if we were actually going survival training.

"We were born ready, Hathaway" replied the guys. We all laughed.

"Ok everyone, get in. We need to make tracks." Dimitri said in every bit the tone of a mentor and Guardian.

We piled into the SUV, me calling shotgun much to the disappointment of Eddie and Mason.

Emil was on the gate as we passed through, and in the way he spoke and smiled told me he knew where we were going. "Did you tell Emil?" I enquired of Dimitri quietly so that Eddie and Mason couldn't hear me.

"Yes, but there is no way anyone would get anything out of him" and I laughed. Emil was legendary when it came to discretion. In fact it was well known that he would rather suffer pain than give up a secret or information, which he had for a former charge years ago.

We drove for a while, Dimitri and I stealing glances at each other and little smiles gracing our faces until we were interrupted by the boys.

"God I forgot" gasped Eddie, "Happy Birthday Rose."

"Oh Jesus, yeah" said Mason "Sorry Rose, Happy Birthday"

I laughed at them "Thanks guys, its fine. It's not like we haven't known each other for fourteen years or anything" and they groaned at me.

"Make us feel worse, why don't you?" they said and I just continued to laugh so did Dimitri. In reality I wasn't upset, I had other things on my mind today and they would soon find out what they were."

"So what god forsaken hole are you taking us to, Guardian Belikov?" Mason asked trying to change the subject.

"Oh I think you will be quite surprised" Dimitri said cryptically and turned to me with a grin spreading across his face.

"What size suits do you wear guys?" I asked even more cryptically.

"Why the hell do you want to know our suit size?" Eddie asked.

"Humour me" I giggled.

They humoured me and I got on my phone.


"Kiz, how are you? Are you on your way? You've not changed your mind now?"

"No Baba, we are on our way but we have two unexpected guests. Can you get two more men's suits?" and I gave him the sizes.

"Of course Kiz. How long will you be?"

"Baba wants to know how far away we are."

"30 minutes" Dimitri replied.

"Half an hour, Baba. Is everything ready?"

"Don't worry Kiz. It will be perfect."

"Thanks Baba. See you soon." I disconnected the call and sat back in my seat with a contented sigh and smile on my face.

"Is everything alright? Any problems?" Dimitri asked concerned.

"No everything is ready for us. You know Baba, he would have done it all himself it there had been a problem" I said laughing.

"What's going on Rose?" Eddie asked.

"What did Kirova say to you when she told you about the exercise?" I countered.

"Just that Guardian Belikov was taking you out survival training and that it would be a waste if more didn't go, so Alberta suggested we should go" Mason answered.

You got to love Alberta. I could kiss her right now. She had made the best out of a difficult situation. Dimitri smiled at me obviously with the same thoughts as I had.

"Well guys we aren't going survival training" I said nervously.

"We're here" Dimitri stated with a giddy edge to his voice.

We pulled up into the carpark of a country house hotel. Ivy and red climbing flowers all over the walls. It was a beautiful two story building with bay windows looking out over sprawling picturesque lawns. It looked like it should have belonged in Europe not the middle of Montana.

"We are staying here?" Eddie said his eyes popping out.

"OK guys spill" Mason interjected looking between Dimitri and I. "Have we crashed Rose's Birthday surprise?"

In response I smiled and said "Who wants to be Best Man and who wants to be Man of Honour?"

You could see them trying to work out what I had just said. Then together their mouths dropped open in stunned silence. Dimitri and I just laughed and ushered them into the hotel.


"Baba" hugging my father, who then hugged Dimitri. "Baba, this is Eddie Castile and Mason Ashford. We have known each other since we were four. Eddie, Mason, this is my father, Abe Mazur."

"Nice to meet any friends of Rose and Dimitri" Abe replied.

Eddie nodded and shook Abe's hand but Mason was on a mission. "Hold up, back up a minute. Best Man, Man of Honour? Are you telling us we have gate crashed your wedding?"

"Yep" Dimitri, Abe and I said together.

"But in all fairness it's not your fault. Kirova trying to be a pain as usual even if she didn't actually know what she was sending you to 'gate crash'?" I said, hoping to avoid them feeling guilty.

At that moment the hotel manager came over. "Ah Mr Belikov, Ms Mazur. Everything is ready for you. Ms Mazur if you come this way the stylists are waiting."

"Well that's my cue guys, see you later." Then I turned to Dimitri "I'll see you at the altar" and kissed him.

"Can't wait Milaya" kissing me back.

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