Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

The Belikova women, minus me of course, set off for Vika's graduation early the next morning, with Abe, Pavel and a few other guardians. It probably would be dark on the way back and Abe wasn't taking any chances with the lives of my In-laws.

In the meantime we were left holding the baby, literally. Zoya had taken it upon herself to latch like a limpet to my hip and anytime I wanted to put her down it was "No Aun Woza". Paul had taken to following Dimitri around, being his shadow. Eddie, Mason and Alberta thought this was hilarious.

"The Belikovs; can face a nest of strigoi fearlessly but are brought to their knees by two children" Eddie laughed out.

"Watch it, or I'll set them on you. What do you say Zoya? Want to attack Uncle Eddie?" I said jokingly. Eddie stopped laughing when Zoya giggled and bounced with excitement. It was strange playing 'mum' for the day but also exciting. This is what life could be like for Dimitri and I years down the line, and I must admit the image appealed to me.

It was starting to get dark and we hadn't heard from Baba or the family so hopefully they would be alright. Zoya had finally let me go several hours ago and was currently curled up on Mason's knee. He didn't seem to be phased by it in the slightest and I smiled at him. "I know where to come when we need a babysitter in future" I said to him with a giggle.

It was amazing how the five of us had become quite comfortable in each other's company. Eddie, Mason and I had always been together but Alberta, going from a position of authority over us to a friend and fellow exile; it must have been difficult for her. I think Dimitri started bonding with Mason and Eddie at the wedding so they really were friends now.

The telephone stirred me from my musings. Dimitri was the closest and answered it quickly. It was Olena saying that the graduation ceremony had run quite late and instead of setting out now they were securing accommodation on campus until the morning and would we mind taking care of the children overnight. There was no argument, it was always safer to travel when light so staying at St Basil's until tomorrow was sensible.

An hour later we had all eaten and were sat in the family room just chatting about old times when I suddenly felt my stomach lurch. "Paul can you come and sit next to Eddie and tell him about that project you did a few months ago" trying to keep everything light. I looked at Dimitri and indicated our stakes. He instantly knew what I meant and we both got up. Alberta followed "Alberta, can you three keep an eye on Paul and Zoya? I don't' know how many are out there but I can feel them so they are close" I said quietly, Alberta nodded and returned to the family room.

Dimitri opened the door and we both stepped out, closing it behind us. We moved off the porch, hoping to draw the strigoi away from the house. I heard crunching of footsteps to my right and turned to face that way. "I know you are there" I said to the darkness. "Show yourself."

Suddenly four strigoi stepped forward "It looks like you do know but how I wonder?" said a large strigoi off to my left, closer to Dimitri.

"That's for me to know and you never to find out" I replied and then they attacked.


"Where have Uncle Dimka and Aunt Roza gone?" asked Paul

"They will be back soon" I promised, hoping not to be made a liar, but Rose and Dimitri were a force to be reckoned with so I had high hopes that this would end well.

"Alberta, how many?" Eddie tried to say quietly but not quietly enough.

"How many what?" said Paul "Strigoi? Are there strigoi outside?" he added with nervous excitement, running to the window.

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