Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Since that meeting in Roman's office, Eddie, Mason and I have been working on our endurance. If we have to undertake a possible fifteen fights then we need to be able to go the distance. Dimitri started giving us exercises to do to increase our staying power, giving us pep talks on how we would be fine if we stayed focused. It turned out that Vika was in the fourth house so Dimitri was effectively training an individual from each of the houses. This would be fun to watch pan out especially when our training had definitely increased in intensity. I think Dimitri would feel it a personal failure if we didn't show well, especially me so he was working us hard. If we weren't in an exam, revising, eating or sleeping then we were in the gym training. The fire had been lit, the gauntlet thrown and we were going to rise to the challenge. We also wanted to send a 'screw you' to the board of governors at St Vlad's and the best way to do that would be to graduate from St Basil's and graduate well, even if we didn't know what was in store for us after.

The exams seem to pass so quickly and we were now into the final week. Two days to go before the contest and I think we are as ready as we are ever going to be but Eddie and Mason were freaking out. I tried to calm them but to no avail so I sent in Dimitri; hopefully he could knock some sense into them with his Zen master wisdom routine. It seemed to work because the next time I saw them they seemed a little more chilled. Dimitri also said that we could train on the Tuesday morning but he wanted us to rest up ready for the contest on the Wednesday so he cancelled the afternoon training session.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous but really, what could I do about it? This contest was something I had to do to graduate, yeah it sucked that I had to potentially fight fifteen times but didn't I kill my share of thirty strigoi a few months back? I could do this, I just had to stay focused and use the training that my husband had installed in me.

The day of the contest dawned and I woke up early but refreshed. I jumped into the shower and got dressed in my best sports gear. If I was doing this, I wanted to look good doing it. Dimitri put his arm around my waist as I stood brushing my hair. I think he just wanted to touch me as much as possible. Last night we kept our love making to a minimum so that I wouldn't be tired today and we both missed it but it was essential in light of what I had to do today. "Comrade, can you braid my hair for me please?"

"Of course, Milaya" again anything to touch me but he did have a way with styling hair. Having grown up with three sisters he had got very good at braiding and messy bun styles. He tightly braided my hair so that each piece was contained and wouldn't easily come loose to distract me from my task.

"Thanks Comrade" I said and turned round and kissed him deeply. "Whatever happens today I want you to know that I am grateful for everything you have taught me and I promise to try and make you proud."

"You make me proud every day Milaya, just by being my wife. So whatever happens today, win or lose, I love you and I am proud of you" kissing me deeply again and enclosing me in a tight hug.

"Well let's get this over with then" I said with mock enthusiasm and opened our room door.

I knocked on Eddie and Mason's doors as we passed them. "You two ready to kick some ass?"

"We were born ready, Belikov" they answered in unison and we all laughed and headed for the auditorium.

The gyms had become too small to hold the contests in several years ago so they moved them into the auditorium. Mats and benches were placed everywhere including several sets of bleachers for the audience. Seeing the room decked out like this made my nerves spike suddenly. I had to remember to breathe.

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