Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

For two hours I've been scrubbed, waxed, plucked, buffed and polished to an inch of my life, even in places I never thought possible. My make-up was a fresh glow, which shocked even me, my nails were now perfectly French manicured and my hair. Oh my hair. I loved it. It was half up, half down, the bottom in loose curls hanging to my waist; the top was in a knot of tighter curls which made a nest for my headdress to sit. Baba had given it to me, an antique silver tiara that had once belonged to my great grandmother. It was beautiful; the silver was as delicate looking as lace, with a few diamonds embedded.

It was now time for the dress. I had fallen in love with it the first moment I saw it. It was sleeveless, a fitted bodice leaving my shoulders and neck bare. The skirt of the dress flared out from the hips. The material was a heavy ivory silk apart from the back which was a wine red from the top of the bodice to the end of a three foot train, embroidered with fleur de lis and interlacing tendrils. I was nearly crying seeing it all together; I just hope Dimitri likes it.

There was a knock at the door and Baba entered with Pavel. Abe's hands fluttered to his mouth as he caught sight of me. I could see tears in his eyes. My gaze shifted to Pavel who was having trouble swallowing. "Do I look alright? Is something wrong?" I said nervously.

"Wrong? You look beautiful, Kiz. I just can't describe how proud I am right now." He hugged me but was chastised by one of the stylists and warned not to crush my dress.

"You look beautiful Rose" said Pavel and he squeezed my hand.

There was another knock at the door. "That will be your Man of Honour, whoever won that one, and the Photographer." The door opened to reveal Mason and an older gentleman carrying a tripod and camera.

"Wow, Hathaway. That's all I can say" mumbled Mason with his jaw on the floor.

I smiled at him "you lost the battle then and became my Man of Honour?" I joked.

Mason laughed but stated seriously "No battle to be had. We were the first to see each other as brother and sister, practically on that first day of school, and Eddie knows that so he agreed I could be with you."

I was touched and nearly started crying. I just hugged him and whispered "Thanks Mase, for everything."

The photographer placed us in different poses for some pictures, and then disappeared downstairs, presumably to do the same with Dimitri and Eddie.

"Well Kiz, its time. Are you ready?"

"Ready as I've ever been for anything Baba."

The stylist gave me my bouquet, which was a mix of white and wine red roses, trailing sprays of baby's breath and delicate tiny orchids, as Pavel opened the door for us to depart the room.

The in-house chapel was on the ground floor towards the rear of the hotel so once we descended the stairs we had to walk through the foyer. There were more than one set of eyes following me as Baba led me by the arm. Mason, taking his duty seriously, made sure my train didn't get caught on anything and assured my way was clear. I had to love him in that moment.

We reached the double doors of the chapel. Mason gave me a quick hug before he slipped through the doors. Baba and I stepped up to the doors next. One of the stylists behind me sorted my train so it would glide along the floor. Baba gave my arm a squeeze, I smiled and nodded my readiness, and then the double doors opened to the strains of Pachelbel's Canon.

I lifted my eyes to the altar as I stepped through the door and locked with Dimitri's. I could see they were full of pride and love for me. I could also see he was having a difficult time swallowing. I saw Eddie clap him on the shoulder. Oh I'd give anything to know what was going through his head right now.

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