Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The expected package from Yeva arrived four days later. Dimitri had visited the mail room every day since I told him about Yeva's Skype call and Baba, intrigued to find out what it was, stayed around; thoughts of how to solve the problem with Jesse and Ralph forgotten.

As soon as Dimitri indicated that the package had arrived, I contacted Baba and the boys. We were all sat in the gym during our usual training session; Baba, Pavel, Eddie, Mason, Alberta, Dimitri and I.

"Well, is someone going to open it?" Mason whinged. Getting up this early really wasn't his style but he and Eddie had wanted to know about the possible trouble too.

"Open it Roza, Babushka contacted you" Dimitri said apprehensively.

"She could have easily got you on that call but someone has to open it" I said decisively.

I unwrapped the parcel paper from around the heavy package and saw two boxes one with my name, the other, Dimitri's. We opened them together and Dimitri swore in Russian, I in Turkish; Baba has been teaching me his native language too. The profanity wasn't at the items themselves but at what they inferred. Baba instantly got on his phone, ordering more security to the academy from his private army of guardians and Alberta, started talking about tightening up patrols.

"What is it?" demanded Eddie.

We opened the boxes further to let him see. Nestled within each box was a pair of personalised silver stakes. The stakes themselves were beautiful, each had ivy tendrils etched up the hilt and out of that Belikov and Belikova were created twice, one in the Cyrillic alphabet and once in English around the heads indicating Dimitri's and mine respectfully, but the inferred purpose of the gift was obvious. We were going to be in a fight and a pretty big one if Yeva was rattled.

I could see Dimitri formulating an argument and I cut him off as he opened his mouth. "No Dimitri, Babushka said we had to stick together. You know yourself; if the Academy is attacked senior novices are armed. Would you rather me be with you, or be worried about not knowing where I am?" I actually didn't know where this level headed and confident side of me was coming from but I was going to run with it. "And do you really think that I would be happy not knowing where you are?"

"She has a point Dimitri" Alberta said. "Senior novices will be armed if it comes to it and I've seen you two sparring; you are a lethal combination."

We could see him at war with his thoughts; strains of confusion, anger, love, and fear for me flashing across his face. The sight would have been comical if the situation wasn't so serious.

"Come on man, do you really think you can keep Rose away from you and the action when the time comes. You know how stubborn and persistent she is" Eddie said. All apart from Dimitri nodded, agreeing with Eddie's assessment of my character.

Dimitri, knowing he wasn't going to win this one, nodded, whilst grinding his teeth in frustration and worry. I kissed the side of his mouth and he relaxed slightly, snaking his arms around my waist, crushing me to his side.

"I don't know how I'm going to increase patrols with the guardians we have, also how are we supposed to arm the novices quickly?" Alberta pondered.

"I have a suggestion, I don't know if it's practical or not" I said nervously. Alberta indicated for me to continue.

"I'm thinking you don't want a wide scale panic by openly saying there is a danger to the Academy so why not pass it off as a training exercise? Arm all the senior novices and roster them into the normal patrols. Tell them it's training in the day to day lives of guardians. Teach us how to be vigilant and in signs to look for, how to look after our stakes and other equipment and how to time manage duty with leisure and work out times. I don't know what you have planned for the final assessment but could this be part of it? If the attack doesn't happen, at least the seniors have some experience shadowing guardians, if there is an attack then everyone is armed and ready."

I could tell that Alberta was shocked by what I had said but not in a bad way. "Rose that is a good idea. I will have to discuss it with others to iron out the specifics but it does solve many, if not all, of the issues."

Dimitri looked at me with pride; obviously my suggestion had impressed him too.

Eddie and Mason slapped me on the back and said jokingly "Stan would be so proud of you." We all burst out laughing.

"Where did this talent for tactics come from Kiz?" said Abe chuckling.

"I think you all forget sometimes that I did keep the Princess safe for two years and that was no easy feat while you are being tracked by psi-hounds and strigoi" I replied.

"I'm sorry Rose, I never really thought about it like that but you are right, that must have been some major planning and sometimes acting at a spit seconds notice" said Mason.

Alberta left with Baba and Pavel, who were going to discuss the possibility of increasing not only Abe's own protection but lend some of his guardians to the school. "Alberta, if my daughter and son in-law's lives are at risk then let me help out" Abe said forcefully as the door closed on them.

Eddie and Mason left soon after to go to the cafeteria for breakfast, leaving Dimitri and I in the gym. Now we were alone we just fell into each other's arms, trying to gain comfort from the other over what was possibly going to happen.

"We face it together, Comrade."

"Always, Milaya."

Later that day, the senior novices were called to the Guardian's lounge. There was a lot of excitement as novices weren't usually allowed in here. I think I was the only one that had been in the Guardian's lounge with permission, when I had my molnija done after Spokane; although I had been in here on several occasions during my nightly wanderings throughout the years, what can I say, they have better coffee.

Alberta explained the new training exercise and the different facets of being a guardian, which would be shown and to a certain extent, assessed. Everyone was given a two week roster detailing when and where they needed to be.

"Each of you has been assigned a Guardian as your guide for this exercise. We also have members of a private security team joining us curtesy of Mr Mazur so that each Novice can have a mentor. Please respect them and follow their instructions" Alberta stated.

As I had hoped, my 'training' times coincided with Dimitri's shifts. Alberta then went on to explain what to do in the event of an attack, answering questions and clarifying some points. Senior novices would be exempt from classes for the next two weeks; however, homework was going to be given for the academic classes, which should be done during our down times.

"If you do not turn up for your allotted shifts, you will be placed under detention. Just be thankful that it is only that; a sanctioned guardian can be court marshalled" said Alberta with a serious and menacing edge to her voice. "Should something arise that prevents you from carrying out your intended shift, contact me immediately."

The novices were then told to head to the weapons store where stakes and holders would be given out. You could hear all of the novices comparing their stakes. It was very amusing, almost like a contest to see who had the shiniest.

Dimitri had acquired a stake holder earlier and fitted it for me so I already had Yeva's present on my person.

"Do you realise how sexy you look packing silver, Milaya?" Dimitri whispered in my ear, giving me a soft growl of appreciation.

"If you think that a woman carrying silver is a turn on, then you are in the right profession, Comrade" I said, winking at him as we left the room heading for our first patrol together at the main gate.

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