Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The next morning Dimitri and I got up, headed down to breakfast then along to the gym as we had planned but what we hadn't planned was to find Eddie, Mason and Vika also heading that way.

"You lot are up early, I think I may need to take a picture for posterity" I joked, and pretended to search for my phone.

"Yeah, yeah spare me the hilarity" Mason droned. "Blame Eddie, he wanted to get up to date with the fighting styles of St Basil's."

"Good idea, Eddie. I've already trained Roza in the fighting styles I was taught so it will be good for you to branch out a bit. Why are you up so early Vika?" asked Dimitri.

"Oh I just thought that it would be good to train with you and Roza for a bit to see if I can improve, you know?" Vika said nervously. I suspected there was a certain blond haired novice from St Vlad's she was trying to spend time with and winked at Eddie who looked a little flushed.

From that first day at St Basil's you could find us all in the gym from 5.30am until 7.30am and then from 3.30pm until 5.30pm training. It was difficult at first sharing Dimitri because this had always been our time together but I soon remembered that I got to have him for the rest of our lives so I just got on with it.

Dimitri decided that we would go to Baia at the weekend and surprise the family. Eddie and Mason, although they were invited, declined this time to allow me to meet my In-laws privately before strangers were introduced. Dimitri and Vika explained that there would be no problem them coming along, they still refused saying that they could always keep Alberta company, who had also declined the invitation because she had a few weekend shifts. Therefore Friday lunchtime saw us climbing into a school SUV that Dimitri managed to borrow with our duffles, ready for the trip to Baia.

I was a little nervous at meeting my new family although I had spoken to them numerous times on Skype, this would be the first time they would actually see me in the flesh and I found that a little scary.

"What's wrong Milaya?" Dimitri asked concerned.

"I'm just a little jittery about meeting everyone. I know I've spoken to them many times now, it's just that this will be the first time they have really met me" I said shyly.

"They love you Milaya, you will be fine. Vika almost knocked you over trying to hug you when we walked in the other day" he said lightly, trying to bring me out of myself a little.

"You're right, I'm sorry. It's just a new country, new school and new family; it's a lot to take in"

"I understand Milaya" Dimitri said putting his arms around me and holding me close, then whispered into my ear "if it makes you feel better, I can't wait to take you up to my bed and have my wicked way with you tonight" and a shiver of anticipation ran through me.

Two hours later we were pulling up in front of a house that had so many additions to it over the years it was hard to see what the original structure looked like but it was quaint and looked very homey.

As we got out of the car a boy noticed us from the garden.

"Uncle Dimka, Aunt Roza" he screeched running at us; all smiles.

"Paul it's great to see you" Dimitri said as he picked him up and gave him a hug. I think Paul thought he was too big to be picked up at the age of 10 but with a 6 foot 7 giant for an Uncle he gave way.

"Great I don't get a hello" said Vika huffily.

"I see you every week" Paul pronounced as if that should answer everything. We all laughed at him.

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