Chapter 11

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A/N: Sorry I've not been able to update over the last four days but I was ill and then the app wouldn't save my chapter but it seems to have cleared now.  Anyway, as a peace offering I'm attempting to post the four chapters I should have posted over the last few days.  I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 11

"There she is the bloodwhore. Doing sexual favours for bites is her specialty" Tasha shouted over the breakfasting students. "I've heard it all. Oh such a girl to trap my Dimka."

I grabbed hold of Dimitri who was looking livid. "I'll handle this" I said trying to soothe my incensed god.

"What is your problem Tasha? Do you not understand the meaning of no? I would have thought that when Dimitri told you he wasn't interested at Christmas it would have sunk in" I said forcefully. "And he is not your Dimka. That's the name used by his family, which you aren't" I said acerbically.

"Slut, you've slept with every male in here" Tasha spat.

"Tasha, not that it is any of your business but I've only slept with one man and I married him and I would seriously question anything that he..." pointing at Jesse "...tells you especially when I refused him and he tried to force himself on me which resulted in Dimitri threatening to rearrange his face." Jesse looked down nervously.

"Stop making a fool of yourself Tasha. I said it at Christmas and I will say it again now. I am not interested in you, I never have been and I never will be. I am married to Roza and I love her so stop inventing a relationship between us. We were only ever friends and you have now ruined that" Dimitri added with weight to his voice.

Tasha gave a scream and lunged at me but I side stepped her easily and she tripped over a chair leg and went down.

"I would stay down if I was you Tasha. I had a run in with my share of strigoi the other day so ripping your head off will be child's play" I said staring down at her with disdain. I heard a few snickers from the surrounding guardians and novices but deathly silence from the moroi.

"Stay down Aunt Tash. You are not going to win this one" Christian said embarrassed. "Sorry Rose, Dimitri" and he left the food hall.

I noticed that again Christian was without Lissa. I quickly scanned the dining hall and found her with a group of royal moroi. It wasn't that detail that shocked me though; it was the unladylike sneer on her face. I realised she was firmly in the 'against Dimitri and Rose' camp.

I turned quickly and started walking to the food queue when something hit me on the back. There was a scuffle and I turned to see that Eddie and Mason had stood up, effectively creating a human shield between Tasha and me. I looked down and saw a water bottle, obviously she had thrown it. I just shook my head and turned round.

Dimitri and I got our food and left the food hall with a nod of thanks to Eddie and Mason.

Dimitri was still fuming as we reached the benches on the concourse. "I can't believe she said that. I'm so angry right now. I'm sorry Milaya, really I am. You don't deserve that." His voice loaded with menace.

"Hey, look at me Dimitri. I love you and you know I've only ever been with you so whatever she says can't hurt us. We have each other and as you have said before, 'the rest is details'." I leaned in to kiss him, hoping to sooth some of that tension in his posture. His muscles in his face loosened within seconds and the rest of his body followed as he deepened the kiss. "There now, see nothing to worry about. Let her burn herself out."

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