Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

For three months Dimitri, Mason and I have been flying backwards and forwards between Baia and LA overseeing the renovations for both gyms and training with Eddie, Alberta and Vika to get a more uniform fighting style for our training classes. We had even discussed the different levels of training classes and the costs but we all agreed we wouldn't turn anyone away who really needed our help; be it dhampir or moroi.

Due to all the flying I had finally given in to Abe and bought our own jet. It belonged to the company so it could be used by any of us when we needed it. It also worked out cheaper in the long run. Who would have thought I would have my own company within a few months of graduating and an International one at that?

Right now we were back in LA working on the layout of the gym here. It was coming on nicely and if all goes to plan, the equipment will be installed in a few weeks' time, with a view to opening in a month. I was in the middle of directing a builder about the position of dividing wall when I heard the door open. Thinking it was Dimitri coming back I said "hope you were successful Comrade?" and looked up, but who it was surprised me.

"Well, well Lord Ozera, and to what do we owe the honour?" I said with a tinge of sarcasm. I didn't know how Christian stood when it came to the expulsion and royal orders of exile, only that he hadn't signed the letter as Lissa had.

He grimaced "Don't call me that Rose please, I'd actually prefer you to call me fire crotch than Lord Ozera and you know how much I hate that?" he said.

"Whatever you say Sparky" I joked as I walked forward to greet him. He surprised me by hugging me.

"It's great to see you Rose. I'm surprised to find you here, but glad. How are Mason and Eddie?"

"They are fine, busy but we are all good" I said with a smile. "So what brings you here Pyro?"

"I heard on the grapevine that a new gym was opening here that could possibly provide self-defence classes for moroi and I wanted to hear more" he said with an enthusiastic whisper "and by the looks of it you've heard about the gym too." At that sentence I knew that even though the news of the gym had got out, the ownership hadn't which pleased me.

"Why do you want to know more? Doesn't your Aunt teach Self-defence?" I almost spat out.

"I've not spoken to Tasha since she attacked you in the food hall. I don't want to be associated with that woman. I'm sorry for what she did. I refused to sign that letter you know. I have no problem with you and Dimitri. Anyone who sees you can tell you were meant to be together. I'm just sorry she put you through that" he said rather sadly. "Where did you end up going; St Basil's?"

I was about to answer but was beaten to it, "yeah until your Aunt found out and petitioned the Queen to stop us from graduating" Mason said entering from the offices.

"Mason" Christian said and moved forward to give him a guy hug. "What do you mean, stop you from graduating?"

"Meaning, that your Aunt asked the Queen to stop Roman from graduating us. However, the Queen allowed us to graduate but effectively exiled us instead" Mason said with venom. It was still quite a raw thing for him.

"Exiled?" Christian asked in shock.

"Yeah, Dimitri, Alberta, Eddie, Mason and I have been exiled from the moroi world. We are not allowed to be sanctioned guardians. Also this had a knock on effect because Viktoria, Vika, Dimitri's sister didn't receive an allocation either" I informed him.

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