Chapter 1

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(A/N: Don't play the song yet until i tell you to.)

Ban Ryu sits in the table of their dorm thinkng about Soo Yeon. He smiles just remembering the times they spent together. He then remembered about the time when Master Young Shil told him that he wanted him to become King. He shook his head and then Soo Ho walked in. Soo Ho walks up to Ban Ryu and Ban Ryu stands up.

"You like my sister, don't you?" -Soo Ho.
"Yes." -Ban Ryu.

Soo Ho grabbed Ban Ryu by his collar.

"You know you can't do that. You know our fathers will forbid it. You guys need to stop before someone gets hurt." -Soo Ho.
"Are you perhaps worrying about me?" -Ban Ryu.
"I'm just making sure my sister doesn't get hurt." -Soo Ho.

A Few Weeks Later:

Ban Ryu received a note from Soo Yeon saying that she wanted to meet him when they are allowed to go to town. Soo Yeon got a note that Ban Ryu wanted to see her the day he is allowed to go out into town. It was actually a set-up.

A While Back Ago:

Master Young Shil hired a spy to find out why Ban Ryu doesn't really care about being King. The spy then spotted Ban Ryu when he was with Soo Yeon a while back. He then headed back to Master Young Shil's residence.

"Do you have any news?" -Master Young Shil.
"He seems to have a relationship with Master Kim Seub's daughter, Soo Yeon." -Spy.
"Is that why?" -Master Young Shil.
"It seems so, Master." -Spy.
"Take care of the problem. Make sure she is gone." -Master Young Shil.
"Yes, Master." -Spy.

Back to Present time:

(Play song above now)

Ban Ryu and Soo Yeon spotted each other. They met up at a part of town that was vacant. They both hugged like there was no tomorrow.

"I missed you." -Soo Yeon.
"I missed you as well. I missed seeing you smile." -Ban Ryu.

After a whille, they both released the hug and then they smiled at each other. Soo Yeon then saw someone aiming an arrow at Ban Ryu. Her smile faded and her face was full of fright.

"Ban Ryu, watch out!" -Soo Yeon.

Ban Ryu was confused until Soo Yeon switched their positions and stood in front of him to block him from the arrow. The arrow had shot her in her heart and she immediately fell to the ground. Before she hit the ground, Ban Ryu caught her. He was shocked as tears instantly fell from his eyes.

"Soo Yeon, stay with me." -Ban Ryu said as he cupped her face with his hands.
"I'm fine." -Soo Yeon said while trying to smile.

She was bleeding a lot and Ban Ryu didn't know what to do.

"No your not. Stay with me." -Ban Ryu said as he picked her up and carried her while running to get someone to treat her.

Soo Yeon then cupped his face with her hands.

"Ban Ryu." -Soo Yeon.
"You need to get treated, bare with me. Please stay alive." -Ban Ryu.
"Ban Ryu, I'm not gonna make it." -Soo Yeon.
"Ani, you are gonna make it." -Ban Ryu.
"Ban Ryu, look at me. Please." -Soo Yeon.

With that, Ban Ryu stopped running and looked at her.

"I want-." -Soo Yeon had trouble speaking.
"I want to remember seeing you smile, I don't want to remember you crying. Please smile for me, for the last time." -Soo Yeon.
"Soo Yeon, how could you say that. You are going to survive." -Ban Ryu.

Soo Yeon shook her head and she cupped his face once again.

"When I'm gone, I want you to live happily, I don't want you to cry - because of me. Find someone - who will be better than me. I'm sure there is someone - out there who has a heart that beats for you,-  just like me. I - love -you." -Soo Yeon said as tears fell down her cheeks.

"I love you too. You can't leave me." -Ban Ryu said as he held her hand that was on his cheek.
"Remember- that I - love - you." -Soo Yeon said.

He then saw how much blood she was losing, he smiled at her since it was her last wish even though tears came. As she saw him smile, she smiled back. Her eyes then slowly closed and her hand that was on his cheek fell. He then fell to his knees with her in his arms. He then hugged her and he broke down even more. He brought her back to the Hwarang House and Soo Ho spotted him carrying her. Ban Ryu placed her onto the table. Soo Ho looked at his sister who was lifeless. Soo Ho then grabbed Ban Ryu by his collar.

"How did this happen! This is all your fault! I warned you! I felt it coming!" -Soo Ho.

Ban Ryu was speechless. He just fell to the ground and he looked lost and shocked.

(A/N: I know most of you guys probably hate me for making her die. This chapter made me tear up while writing it. Please rate and comment on your thoughts. Please give me feedback, I would love to read your guys thoughts on this book. Most of the other characters will appear in the next chapter which I will be writing today as well. The chapters will be longer than this chapter just because this is a starting chapter.)

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