Chapter 9

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The Next Morning:

Dae Eun woke up in a good mood. She then got ready and headed down the hall. She was was turning to look behind her while walking backwards. She suddenly bumped into someone. It was Ban Ryu. Her eyes widened and she quickly backed away from him. She walked past him but he grabbed her wrist.

"We need to talk about yesterday." - Ban Ryu.

"Ani, there is nothing to talk about." - Dae Eun.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I did. I wasn't myself as you could tell." - Ban Ryu.

She sighed and nodded. He let go of her wrist and she then continued to walk away. While Ban Ryu was walking, he passed by the other boys dorms and he over heard what they were saying.

"Are you sure you saw them?" - Hwarang 1.

"Of course, I'm not blind. I saw Ban Ryu and Dae Eun kissing and he was about to do something to her." - Hwarang 2.

"We should report this to master so that Ban Ryu could get in trouble. Then that way, he won't get in my way." -Hwarang 1.

"Lets go then." -Hwarang 2.

Ban Ryu walked into their dorm before they came out. The 2 hwarangs backed up.

"What brings you here Ban Ryu?" -Hwarang 1.

"Oh i don't know i heard 2 little birds chirping very loudly and i want to make them shut it." -Ban Ryu said as he pushed one guy towards the wall and grabbed his by his neck.

"This situation will not be spoken of again or something will happen and you'll regret it." -Ban Ryu.

Ban Ryu released his hold on the neck and the Hwarang was bending down trying to catch some air. He walked out of the dorm and then he was called to go with Dae Eun to look in the woods for a certain medicine that is rare to find. In the evening, Dae Eun and Ban Ryu left Hwarang house. The walk was awkward. No one spoke, it was completely silent. Ban Ryu then went up to her and turned her around and hugged her. 

"Ya, Ban Ryu, are you crazy?! Let me go!" -Dae Eun said as she tried to get out of his grip.

"Ya, shut up. Do you really want to get bitten by the huge snake next to you?" -Ban Ryu.

"What?!" -Dae Eun.

She then looked at the side of her and there was a big snake right next to them.

She closed her eyes and hugged Ban Ryu tightly. She burried her head into his chest.

"It's gone now." -Ban Ryu.

"Ani, don't let go! I'm scared!" -Dae Eun.

Ban Ryu released the hug and held her shoulder and took at look at her. She had tears on her face.

"It's okay I'm here." -Ban Ryu.

She slowly opened her eyes and stared deeply into his eyes. He used his thumb to wipe away her tears while cupping her face. She then hugged him tightly once more. After hugging him she pulled away.

"Sorry, i just get really scared when i see snakes. It gives me bad childhood memories." -Dae Eun.

Ban Ryu smiled at her cuteness and he grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers. She looked at him in shock. 

"We should hold hands just in case if anything else happens." -Ban Ryu said trying not to smile.

Dae Eun nodded and looked away so he wouldn't be able to see her blushing. They continued walking hand in hand when Dae Eun thought she spotted the medicine. She walked towards it until she tripped and rolled her ankle. Ban Ryu ran towards her and luckily caught her before she hit the ground. He tried to help her get up but she couldn't.

"Can you stay here for a moment, it looks like we wont make it back home in time. We'll have to spend the night here. Can you stay here for a moment?" -Ban Ryu.

"Ani, don't leave me. I'm scared that there will be another snake or that someone will kidnap me." -Dae Eun.

"Don't worry i'll be back as soon as i get some wood to make a fire to stay warm. I'll come back, don't worry. If anything happens, just yell my name and i'll be here." -Ban Ryu.

"Ok." -Dae Eun said as she sighed.

Ban Ryu then leaned forward and kissed her forehead. 

"What was that for?" -Dae Eun.

"Just in case and to make you feel better." -Ban Ryu.

"Hurry and come back. If you don't come back when the sun goes down, you'll be in very big trouble." -Dae Eun.

"Yes, Lady." -Ban Ryu.

Dae Eun chuckled and Ban Ryu walked away to find some wood. 2 hours have passed and the sun finally set. Ban Ryu then walked towards Dae Eun. He then made fire from the wood and he sat down next to Dae Eun. She looked at him ans noticed that he was sweating. She pulled out her handkerchief. 

"Ban Ryu." -Dae Eun.

Ban Ryu looked at her and she started to wipe the sweat off from his forehead. He stared at her while she was wiping his face. He then grabbed her hand that was on his face. She looked at him and he looked at her.

"Dae Eun," -Ban Ryu.

"I think i like you." -Ban Ryu.

He then leaned in more and more until she felt his breathe on her lips. He got closer and she closed her eyes. His lips landed on hers.

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