Madrid panel (TASM)

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Madrid press conference 2012
I've seen this one :)

Emma's PoV
all of us, cast and crew sit on stage with the reporters asking us questions... standard protocol just like last time. Andrew sits to my right, his presence can automatically make everything better, I feel reassured when he's around. We've been dating for just over a year and we're still on our press tour of The Amazing Spiderman. It gets stressful having to try and think of new answers for the same question and being bombarded with cameras and questions and reporters... sometimes I need a break and thankfully for me, Andrew is that break. Us starring in this film together means that we get to spend all this time together and it's great, I love it because we rarely have to part so no long distance relationship drama.
"Looking at the relationship of Peter and Gwen- was that improv or were you taking inspiration?"
"Uh first love. First love is first love....."
Andrew answers first and gives a whole long speech about Petter and Gwen and their love story which I listen to intently although it may look like I zoned out for a while but he's leaving me with almost nothing to say and I'm currently working on an answer in my head
"...All I tried to do was keep up with her and not let her get away, that was all"
I was touched by his last bit but I'm surprised he said it because we are trying to keep the whole ordeal lowkey but with Garfield answering questions like that, we aren't going to be able to much longer.
I suppose the reporters don't realise when we talk about Peter and Gwen's relationship, it's almost like speaking about our own because we had those "first love" moments on set. Ofc both of us had dated before but something about it felt instant and long lasting. It was as Andrew said "magical" to kill me over that answer. I think I went way off course about Peter and Gwen and started talking about Emma and myself. I'm gon get a beating.
She finishes of the answer that I started and reporters go on to ask Marc and the producers questions in which Em and I look and talk to each other. Being on the panels with her are great because I can look to my left and my blonde beauty will always be there silently holding me hand. People notice are glances and stares to each other but no one has made a big fuss over it yet, thought I guess we need to stop having intimate moments on stage. Nearing the end of our panel, Emily whispers to me and holds her hand out underneath the table for me. This girl. Having an inward battle with myself of whether to take her up on it because she's my girlfriend and I like holding her hand or not to because people might see and stir a shitstorm. "Ah fuck it" my conscious tells me and I stretch my arm out to grab her hand. She smiles at me, ah god, I get lost when she smiles, it's beautiful, Emma's smile is way more interesting than whatever Marc is saying. Wait. Marc. Panel. Public.
Letting go of Emma's hand to take a drink of my water I almost forgot we were actually in the middle of a very public place with LOTS of media reporters. Shit shit shit.

Emma's PoV
Won't lie, I was a little disappointed when he let go but I understand why. 5 minutes left of the panel and we're done so we all make our way to side of stage and down the steps backstage. Andrew comes up to me, to apologise for letting go of my hand. What a cutie
"Andrew it's okay," I said to him, " I get it"
Shaking his head a little, ugh I don't want him to feel guilty.

Andrew's PoV
I wish i hadn't let go because now my mind is saying that she's probably upset although she says otherwise
"Though you could make up for it now"
Looking at my girl, she has her hand out again as an invite which I gladly take in my own as we walk through the building to the car park.
"See i already forgive you," she says to me, " and you? Do you still feel guilty now?"
"Very much so" I reply
Emma laughs at my snark reply and I find myself not feelin so bad anymore because she's smiling and happy.

if you wanna see this panel I'll give a link to it here

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