The Golden Globes

312 7 4

January 2017

Andrew's PoV
"Nominees for BEST ACTRESS are:
Annette Bening – "20th Century Women"
Lily Collins – "Rules Don't Apply"
Hailee Steinfeld – "The Edge of Seventeen"
Emma Stone – "La La Land"
Meryl Streep – "Florence Foster Jenkins"
*clips of all their characters come on screen. *
*montage ends*
"And the winner for Best actress in musical or comedy is.... Emma Stone!"
I am so unbelievably proud of this woman. Everyone claps, the occasional few stand up... I being one of those few. She is incredible and I think she absolutely deserves it.   
Emma collects her Golden Globe and goes to make her speech.

Emma's PoV
"To any creative person who has had a door slammed in their face ... or anyone who feels like giving up ... I share this with you."

Oh god someone lead me off. Please. I'm so overwhelmed and flustered with the honour of the award and I feel like I'm in cabaret again... I need to be dragged off.
For one second, one tiny millisecond I caught Andrew's eye but I was doing my best to avoid looking directly at him. 1)it would spark ungodly rumours and 2) I wouldn't have continued the speech.
I'd hope to see him at some point or at least say hi or something. I miss him.
*text alert*
Garfy: well done Em, you deserved it :)
Emma: ☺️ thanks
Oh, mygod. I didn't even know he still had my number... not that I made him delete it or anything just, we haven't texted or seen each other since August of 2016, which doesn't seem so long ago but it does to me.
It was his 33? Birthday, I think... how is  this good looking for a 33 year old, god is testing me.
Garfy: you know I mean it
Emma: i love you. No I can't write that.
I just won't text back, I don't know what to say.

*backstage after awards*

"Over here please both of you!"

"We should hustle quickly, just speed walk" Ryan whispers in my ear
"I like your thinking" so Ryan and I walk down that backstage carpet as fast as we can to avoid as many paps as we can. God I hate them.
"Ryan, Emma, come over here, do this interview with me" are you joking I thought we just got out of that zone... wait,
"Oh Damien it's just you, hi... um okay" I mean can we say no? He is literally the reason I'm holding this thing in my hand and that I had a job for 7 months.
"Hey guys how are you doing?,' 'congratulations on your wins"
We chorus a "thank you"
"Best director, best actress and actor"
We all nod our heads
"Ryan, I don't know if you know that when you went to receive your award, there was a kiss between Ryan Reynolds and Andrew Garfield"
What. I have to see this. Me and Damien both lean in to make sure our hearing did not deceive us because that is crazy,
"They did not kiss each other"
"They did" he seems so sure
"They did!?" I still don't believe it but there is video evidence. Actual video...omg this is wild. That is the most ridiculous thing. Ryan (gosling) looks so chilled about it while Damien and I stand in the corner giggling to each other.

Andrew's PoV
Emma: I can't believe you kissed someone else. I thought you cared, I can't believe you've done this to me.
What? Who the fuck does she think I... nononono this can't happen. She has to know that I only want her.
Andrew: who? I stg whatever you heard I didn't, I only want you Em.
Lord please help me now. Even if I'm not a fully fledged believer, just one answered prayer would be nice.
Emma: so you're saying the video of you and Ryan is not real evidence?
Andrew: Emily Stone... I fucking hate you for doing that to me.
I cannot believe she'd do that to me. She almost gave me a heart attack for making me think that she thought I was seeing someone else. Did that make sense? Probably not but fuck... that scared me.
Emma: sorry, it's hilarious though ;)
Dear lord. Okay okay, heart please stop beating at godly speeds it's okay. It's fine.
Emma: you only want me?
Ah shit. She thinks I'm an obsessed ex now.
Andrew: you just put me into cardiac arrest so 🖕🏼. And yes, you know I do.
Emma: *gasps loudly* I though you cared about me... now you insult me... Andrew Garfield I'm never getting back with you again.
Why does she do this to me every. Goddamn. Time.
I feel the need to explain to her even though I know she's only joking when she does stuff like that
Andrew: can I call you?
Emma: sure
*dials phone number*
"Hey Andrew"
"Hey Em, congrats by the way, um how you been?,' stupid question Andrew, make a save, make a save,'I haven't seen you since August"
"Well technically we saw each other a couple of days ago at the Critics choice"
Always gotta prove me wrong with her smart-ass mouth. Not that I'm against it.
"You know what I meant Em... I mean the last time since we talked and had privacy"
Good times.
"I get you,' she takes an unsettling, shaky pause, 'I know I joked earlier but I do miss it, and you"
Well if that didn't send my mood and ego shooting sky high... I don't know what did.
"What's 'it'?" I know exactly what she means but I know she squirms with questions like this
"Andrewwwww,' she laughs, 'don't do this to me, don't make me say it"
"I have no idea what you are talking about, say what?" There is just silence at the other end of the line.
"Nahhhh I'm joking I know"
"Oh thank god... I thought I was going to have to hang up there" Em and I both laugh at this and I kind of wish I could bottle her laugh, because it sounds like sunshine even if you're in the darkest of places. Sometimes I'd ring her up while filming for silence because it got really intense and emotional that I needed support. Her support. And she was always there to provide it, she didn't have to- we weren't together - but she did it for me anyway.
"Hey Andrew I'm going to have to go because I have a load of other interviews to do for this bloody award show"
"Oh uh yeah, hey by the way, I thought La la Land was fantastic"
"Thank you, I was kind of hoping you would see it,  I wanted your opinion on it"
"Emma, my opinion counts for nothing, remember I'd watch you read a telephone book"
"Don't worry, I didn't forget that,' she laughs, 'but your opinion still matter to me. But I really need to go"
Well you don't have to but you are.
"That's okay, bye Em"
"Bye Garfy,' she whispered the next bit so low I almost didn't catch it 'I love you"
She hung up on me before I could say it back. But WHAT. She said it first to me without any... who cares about kissing Ryan. Emma just said she loves me and I couldn't be happier.
Emma: can we meet? Not go out but just hang out at one of the apartments? x
Andrew: sounds great :) I love you 

Author: GUYS I'm having so much fun writing these!!!
Thanks for reading yet another 💋

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