12. Lalochezia

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AN~ I honestly just hold chapters and write constantly. I just love you guys so much. Your comments make so happy!!!

Law is a huge tease in my opinion

Lalochezia~ (n.)the emotional relief gained from using abusive or profound language

Law pov

"Hey law, wait up!" Kid shouted as he ran up to me, that didn't stop me from walking.

Currently, I was pissed. Pissed that I didn't pack lunch since, for the last month, Kid has always driven us to lunch. For a hour, I waited on the front steps for him to come. I wasn't gonna pay for disgusting cafeteria food.

2 hours later, the present, I still hadn't had a bite to eat. I was going to wait for my father silently, and eat at home. "Law. LAW, I know you hear me!"

I was almost to the front doors.

"I got caught up in A block, my mechanic class. You know how I get. "

No text, no nothing.

As if reading my mind, he spoke again, "My phones dead see." He growled shoving the darkened screen in my face. Just as fast I slapped it away.

"Ok I sorry...."


"Is this like your form of a tantrum?" Eutass joked as he kept pace with me. I was starting to be annoyed by his presence.

"That's real rich from someone named Kid." I spat remembering how butthurt he always got when people said his name fit him.

"Wow, low blow."

"My father will be here any minute." I growled as I pulled my phone out my pocket. We lived about 10 minutes away, but he loves to take the 25 minute scenic route since he knew I usually wasn't ready right away.

Hurry u~

Before I could finish my message a pale hand snatched up my cellular device.

"Eutass-ya stop it!" I hissed venomously as I began to jump to get back what was mine. It was futile, but I waned my phone back. The thought his germs on something I touched made me want to take a shower with bleach.

    "Hold on, I'll give it right back." Kid smirked as he began typing in something above his head. Honestly, he didn't need to hold it nearly that high. He was already a head taller than me.

    "Seriously, give it back." I growled as I relentlessly reached upward, putting all my weight on the red head in hopes he would timber over the side. 

    Thoughts of how to murder the red-eyed brat started to creak into my mind, and they were sounding pretty logical and convincing.

    "Okayyy... here." Kid smiled evily before dropping my phone into my head, earning him a sharp kick to the shins. Automatically, I began to type in my password.

     Try again.

    I knew my password by heart. It was the day my father got me my favorite hat. Most people thought it was ugly since it was extremely large and white with black spot, but Corazon got it for me. 122510. December 25, 2010. Christmas in 5th grade.

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