The Great Prophecy

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A child of Kronos,
Shall see the world in chaos
Along side thy father or against
Holds the fate of the world.
Four shall answer the call,
But Nineteen overall
Shall reap the soul of the one they seek
One lost to Eternal Sleep.

Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Nico, Hazel, Leo, Calypso, Ezekiel, Thaniel, Naomi, Chiron and Mr.D all stare at Rachel in shock as she finishes saying the prophecy. Her eyes change from fully green to their natrual green colour the white reappearing and she drops to the ground but Percy catches her just in time.

When Rachel is strong again they all begin to discuss the prophecy.

"Chiron, why would the gods join with Kronos, besides isn't it just the Big Three and Hestia that are fathered by him?" Annabeth asks after Mr.D points out the the first and fourth line of the prophecy.

"I do not know, and of the gods yes." Chiron say moving his hind legs and flickering his tail nervously.
"But if the gods go against us..." he continues until Percy cuts him off

"The gods will never turn against us I will make sure of that.. besides the prophecies are never about the gods its always about a camper, present or future. Only problem is Kronos has no  halfblood children."

Short chapter but its just a flash back so we won't be lost later on... its main point was the prophecy anyway.

Thanks for reading Fellow UltimateBloods. Untill next time.

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