8.Inside Man/Boy?

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So in the previous chapter Sapphire was talking to her mother through Iris messaging when her mother told her that her friend was there to see her which confused Sapphire because her only friend outside of Camp is Madison who knows that she's at camp. She's shocked when Carter appears in her view.

Sapphire's Pov

I exclaim as he is pulled into my view.

My mind starts racing... How does he know my address? Dad! What is he doing there? Is he going to hurt my mother? Or Kidnap her?  What do I do? Should I tell someone? I should teleport home now! What if its a trap!?... a million thoughts race through my mind all at once.

With a smug smile on his face he does a small wave then greets me.
Hey Sapph.

You don't get to call me that!
I say through clenched teeth.

His smile drops but only for a second.
Nice to see you too.
He replies.

I ignore his attempts to be friendly.
How did you find my home?.. and what do you want?
I ask.

Your father has often sent things to this address.
He tells me.

He what?... what things?
I ask confused.

My mother clears her throat as if to signal something then falls silent again.

How have you been Sapphire?
The question sounds sincere as though he really wants to know.

I'm fine... whats it to you?
I ask.

Good to know.
He smiles as if oblivious to the fact that I am being rude.

What do you want?
I ask him again.

A change.
He states.

A change of?
I ask... I seem to be asking a lot of questions in this conversation.

I've had a change of heart.
He states.
I want to switch sides.

I pause completely shocked.. unsure of wether to believe him or not.

Has Kronos put you up to this?.. to spy on us?
I ask him.

Kron... He has no clue that I'm here.
He says.

Prove it.
I say

I didn't call his name.. If I did he might have sensed my whereabouts.. that would be bad.
He says almost in a rude manner.

I stare at him tossing options & questions around in my head for about a minute.

If you truly have a change of heart..  then be the guy on the inside for me.. and give me information.
I test him.

Okay.. what do you want to know first?
He asks and I take a while to decide if he's being serious or not.

I want to introduce you to someone.
I say a smug smile on my face as he looks confused.

Chiron appears at my side as I summon him. I explain why I brought him and introduce him to Carter, vise versa.
We agree on one way information with Carter... He tells us what we need to know and we keep our plans secret.

Unfair.. maybe.. but I've been having some trust issues lately. Even Thaniel has broken my trust.

After we come to the agreement I say goodbye to my mother and Carter then go off to meet my friends with a new secret.. since Chiron and I agreed to keep Carter a secret from the others. (As in The Entire Camp and my friends!)

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