9. Destroyed

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Jordans's Pov

How am I supposed to go on this quest and make it back alive in five days?
I questions.

Please your one of the best at solo quests and This is really important.
Sapph says.

But how can I do it in five days?
I yell.

You get on your pegasus and fly there no need for too many detours and not much reasons to land. Just get to Mount Tam destroy the building and leave without getting caught. Easy.
She says knowing fully well it is not easy.

Its a secret quest?
I ask.

Chiron finally chimes in. He's just been standing there while Sapph and I talk.

Fine, so do I get cool stuff?
I ask reluctantly.

Yes. Explosives.
Sapph says smiling and my mood lightens a bit.

I exclaim.

Can I take Gemma?
I risk asking.

Sapphire glances at Chiron and they make a silent agreement.

Your pushing it.
Sapph says
But yea, sure.

I exclaim a bit louder and jog off to inform Gemma.

After having an early lunch we pack our stuff and gather the vials of Greek fire and some bombs Leo made specially for this quest. We grab our weapons and leave camp silently on our pegasus.

Everything seemed to be going fine, We left camp undetected and made it halfway to San Francisco without being attacked or having to stop for anything besides two tired and hungry flying horses for the past two days. Until the first one came into the clouds. It zipped by so fast I almost didn't see it but I sure did feel it.

What was that?
Gemma asks.

I don't know.
I admit.

As if to answer Gemma's question our attacker comes into sight bringing a friend along with it. Two venti in the form of horses charge at us in the air thousands of feet off the ground and I almost have a heart attack when one knocks me off balance. I grip onto Messiah's mane tightly and steady myself while still shooting toward the mountain at 100 miles per minute (exaggeration) I glance at Gemma, she dodged every attack perfectly so far. The venti came in for another round and I told Messiah to just follow Majesty. (Gemma's pegasus)

Gemma and Majesty swerve away from the first venti and quickly flies over the other one with Messiah and I on their tail but still too slow, by the time we level ourselves off again at a respectful hieght the venti come at top speed and knock our pegusi from the bottom.

Gemma went free falling.

Majesty tumbled trying to gain back control of her wings.

I tumble along with Messiah as I fight to maintain my tight grip on him.

Quickly I take control over the Pegasus and gain balance before I frantically search for My falling girlfriend.

I yell and shoot after her on Messiah.

Before I get to her the first venti interceps my path.

Move it!
I growl and glare at it.

He neighs in response but didn't move.

Look!... the love of my life is free falling to her death move it or lose it!
I growl again with a serious look on my face and I swear the sun shines brighter through the clouds behind me.

I venti flies away toward his friend hurriedly before the take off back into the clouds above.
I shrug off the weirdness of that moment and shoot after Gemma just behind Majesty who's finally gained control.

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