1.I'm A What?!!?

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Nine Months Later...

Sapphire's POV
Its the last day of school and I'm sitting on the steps of Goode High School with Percy a guy at my school who I started talking to only two weeks ago. Its amazing how much we have in common.

"Hey Perc.. can I ask something crazy?"I ask him looking around to make sure we were alone.

"Yeah Sapph, sure no problem."
He says looking into my Blue_Grey eyes

"A couple summers ago every one was asleep and no one responded to anything at all for days and I saw all sorts of crazy things walking around.. I figured I was dreaming but if I was dreaming why were you and Annabeth and Grover there... except Grover wasnt Grover he was half Goat?" I say still confused "and I saw other people still awake fighting snake-women and seal-dogs and giants and other things that have chased me before and you controlled the ocean! How?"

Percy kept staring at me like I confirmed his worst fear which made me uncomfortable making my eyes change to Silver_Grey.

"P-Percy...Percy... Persus Jackson!!" I say waving my hand in front of his face and snapping my fingers.

"Huh, am will you excuse me a minute?" He say getting up

"Sure thing.." I say nodding... great now he thinks I'm crazy!

Percy walks away makes a few phone calls then comes back and sits down.

"You sure you can't come over to my place later everybody's gonna be there?" Percy says reviving our conversation from before

"I.. I don't know." I stutter, truth is I can go but I dont know if I should

"Please.. I insist!" He begs just as the bell rings to start the last class of the day.. fortunately Percy and I have the same class so we get up and head to gym class as other students crowd the halls

"Fine!" I say a few minutes later as we sit on the bleachers and Percy just smiles


After school Percy and I head over to his apartment where his mother, Sally Jackson, is Icing blue cookies and cakes with blue Icening. (Its kinda of a theme I got use to it.. cause its Percy's favourite colour)

"Hey Mrs. Jackson... I mean Sally!" I say dropping my bag and noticing everybody else. Sally just laughs(She insists that we call her Sally once its just us around she said Mrs. Jackson makes her sound old.... which made us all laugh)
"Hey Annabeth and Grover" I say hugging them

"Hey!" they say in union

"Hi, sir... person I've never met before" I say offering my hand to a man in a wheel chair that Percy later introduces as Chiron.

Chiron laughs and shakes my hand "Hello to you too ah..." his voice trails off

"Sapphire." I inform him of my name and he nods and smiles

Percy greets everyone then drops on the couch next to his girlfriend Annabeth.

"Percy, can I talk to you for a moment?" I ask signaling for him to follow me as I head to the fire escape.

"Earlier when I told you what I saw... you didn't give me a response and I really need one" I say pleading for him to give me one.
A lot of strange things have been happening lately and I needed answers, answers I believe Percy can give.

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