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I haven't rested properly in eleven days days!
And now on this the second day of our quest we're running through a warehouse through all the crates trying to get away. We should have been expecting this... Two powerful halfbloods of Poseidon And Hades and two godesses one being the ultimateblood of Kronos and Atlas. Of course we would attract monsters... especially the Phoenix.

Sapph look out!
Percy yells as he ducks behind a crate on the right.

I do a cartwheel to the opposite crate only to see a dagger fly past, peeping out I notice the Phoenix isn't alone, a demigod about Percy's height was running right behind her. He had brown spiky hair and green eyes, he was tan as if he spent alot of time in the sun. He wore a black outfit with a brown strap across his left shoulder with weapons such as Daggers and a bow across the other shoulder and arrows on this back.

My head spins to where the dagger stuck into a distant crate and mutter.
Good aim.

Nico and I tip toe to the other side of the crate to find Calypso.

Where's Percy?
She asks in a whisper.

I point to the right and whisper back.
On the other side of the other crate.

Teleport and get him please.
She half demands.

How about we all get over there.
I say taking her and Nico's hand.

When we materialize behind Percy the Boy and Phoenix both seem startled for a few seconds before snarling at us.

What do you want?
I shout at them.

You won't get the scroll on our watch!
The Phoenix roars.

What Scroll?
I ask softly.

Just then I feel light headed and weak at the knees.I feel my eyes turn gold before I fall and thats the last thing I remember.

I wake up in an empty room with dirt walls.

Where am I?
I ask absolutely no one before noticing there was no way out.

Dont freak out!
I whisper to myself while passing my hands along the wall trying to find a way out.
Maybe part of one of these walls is an illusion.
I think.
After passing on a wall with no luck I lean against the other and fall through.
I was right I whisper again.
The only problem is its not a way out.. its more of a way in.

In the corner of the room I spot a human skeleton with a huge scroll in their palm.
Gasping at the sight I move closer and stretch my hand out to take the scroll.
Just before I touch it the entire place moves forward and up as if I was backing up really quickly.

I wake up back in the warehouse with Calpyso Kneeling over me and Percy and Nico fighting the demigod and Phoenix.

I know where it is.
I say raising up.

Caly asks but I don't answer her.
Instead I summon as much wind as I could trying not use all my energy and send the Monster and Halfblood flying.

Lets go!
I say jogging off with the others behind me.

A few moments later we're in an area I recognize from the vision and I lead my friends down the corridor.

Guys remember the Phoenix mentioned something about a scroll?
I ask my friends.

Nico replies and the others nod as we continue walking.

Thats why we're here... but while Kronos' minions think its up there... Its really down here.
I say as we reach up to a familiar doorway and I open the door to reveal stairs which lead down.

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