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Sapphire's POV
The next morning I head out before anyone in the Hermes cabin wakes up.

"Hey Perc, you got a minute?" I ask taking a seat next to him by the lake. I was on my way to his cabin but I saw him here. (I need to talk to someone about my dreams who else to talk to I've known Percy longer than anybody here)

"Yeah, what's up?" He says glancing at me then looking back at the water.

"I've been having dreams about all sorts of things but yesterday at your place my dreams were the weirdest." I say then inform him of the dream that involve the gods. I left out pit guy as I decided to call him.

Percy listens to every word without his expression changing... not even once then he explains why the dreams felt so real and that its normal for demigods to have such dreams and I should be more worried if I didn't dream anything.

"You should tell Chiron about this." he says getting up. I've had my share of weird dreams that creep me out and I still do but I'm still trying to figure them out Chiron should be able to help you. I've got to go get ready for my morning activities." He says before helping me up and running off toward his cabin waving at me as he does.

I walk back to the Hermes cabin to get ready.
As I enter I scan the room Audrey, Travis and Connor are the only people in the cabin. I completely ignore Audrey and greet the Stoll brothers before proceeding. (Audrey is glaring at me... but I'm going to keep acting like she doesn't exist) I quickly shower throw on a jeans and an orange camp half blood t-shirt (uggh hate orange) and head out the door. Walking toward the big house I bump into something (or rather someone) hard.

"Hey!" I exclaim in a slightly annoyed tone. "Could you watch where your going!"

"Hey you bumped into me!" a guy who looks about 15/16, olive skin, silky dark hair says stopping me from falling (I fall a lot lately) "but sorry."

"Sorry." I say kinda embarrassed

"Nico... Nico Di' Angelo, Son of Hades." He said sticking out his hand.

"Sapphire Heart, Undetermined" I say

I know who you are, everyone knows who you are.. the mystery girl who's eyes change colour. (I've had a couple ah situations yesterday... beside the Audrey incident...with my eyes) Nico sounds interested like he's trying to figure me out.. to put the pieces together like a puzzle.

I grin slightly at his statement but that fades almost immediately, remembering that I was heading to the big house and why.

"Well, Nice to meet you Nico." I smile at him again "but I have to go" I say turning to leave.

"See you around then." Nico yells after me as I run off but I don't respond.

As I get to the big house I see a short plump guy standing on the balcony staring at the horizon.

"Ah... Mr.D?" I guess (from the description that Percy and Annabeth gave me)

"Yes." The man says turning toward me, he sounds annoyed.

"Sapphire Heart, I'm looking for Chiron do you know where he is?" I ask getting to the point immediately. (really dont want any small talk with this guy at the moment)

"Inside." he says and turns back off.

I ignore the feeling to say anything else and head inside.

I find Chiron in a room to the left in his wheel chair again. I inform him of why I'm here and begin filling him in on the dream. Once finished Chiron look as me shocked.

"The gods (Zeus Hades Poseidon) were speaking of you indeed, but if your not any of theirs then..." he trails off a worried look takes over his face.

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