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Please excuse the language used in this chapter🙂 also if you do not like violence... then why are you even reading this book?👀

Narrative Pov
*Three day time skip*

Sapphire never thought she'd be this important to someone, even after she witnessed on multiple occasions people fighting over her, even after she was kidnapped, even after she found out that she's a god and her dad is Kronos, even after she heard her prophecy, even after seeing how much she's needed, even after realizing that she's more powerful than all the gods & goddesses put together.

I hate you!
She spat.

I need you.
He tells her shocking her a lot.

Forget You!
She yells at him, with a string of curses.

I'm your father! Do as I say.
Kronos tells her forcefully.

I'm going to kill you.
She says calmly.

Kronos' eyes europts into flames, clearly showing his anger.
Then you leave me no choice.

The time slows and a ball of fire flies toward Sapphire. Being able to control time herself, she flips away and freezes the ball of fire which falls to the ground as a chunk of ice. Kronos send two more which she dodges but when she balances herself another one comes crashing into her at top speed.


Its time!
She shouts flying out of her sleep. Somehow without checking her watch she knows it is exactly 3:05 am

The majority of the camp slept in the arena that night. They were preparing to leave in a few days.

I thought we had time.
Drew yells after they were all awake.

Times up!
Sapphire says plainly.

She climbs out of her sleeping bag and jumps up immediately putting her last minute stuff into place. Everyone follows her lead.

By 3:25 they were all almost completely ready And by 3:45 they all filed at the top of the hill saying goodbye to the campers that weren't going with them. With Sapphire in the lead they march down the hill, some filed into the camps SUV others into transport they either built or borrowed and the rest rode on pegusi. Sapphire took off first she didn't know how but somehow she knew exactly where to go. She knew that the war would take place exactly where it did last time.

Sapphire's Pov

We arrive in Manhattan with no problem seeing that every mortal was asleep and all I had to do was part the cars so that we could pass. Just as we settle in the park close to the Empire State building where we decided to set up camp just like last time, everyone looked to me for instructions.

So first aid department, thats Apollo cabin, you can set up inside the building. First Defense over there by that tree. Second to the opposite of them and third can take the center. Backup Defense stay to the back close to the gates of Olympus. Ares Cabin I need you to split up yourselvesas evenly as possible and join each defense group. The hunters of Artemis when they arrive are over by the really busy tree over there. Everybody else, your with me. Ok, take your positions.
I rattle out instructions as a battle plan forms in my head.

Just as we finished setting up the hunters arrive but with a few uninvited guests.

About two dozen girls in silk silver dresses run into the park out of the woods shooting arrows at their invisible attacks. Seconds later the first wave of monsters emerge from the woods. Several Cyclops, half a dozen Griffins and the Minotare, all charging at our first line of defense and the Hunters. Immediately our forces joined and took down a few more Griffin. The Minotare charged at Clarisse making her real excited.

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